After practicing yoga for so long, how many of these 12 advanced asanas can you complete?

Yoga should not be classified as a “simple” form of exercise.

The muscle participation, concentration, control, balance required for collaborative operation is as challenging as breathing.

But people can get significant muscle tension and endurance from continuous yoga practice.

Whether you are an ordinary yogi or just beginning to practice, you hope to get more benefits in body and mind.

Advanced yoga poses can help you exercise larger muscle groups and even strengthen your body more than standard four pillar support.

Next, I’ll share 12 advanced asanas and explain their practice methods and exercise areas in detail.

Let’s see how many you have unlocked? Chin handstand benefits: stretch and strengthen the wrist, biceps and upper arm; Open the chest and throat area.

Starting with the plank, slowly lower the chest and chin onto the yoga mat.

Using your core, hug your inner thighs, lift one leg, and then the other.

Compass benefits: open hamstring, chest and hip muscles.

Start sitting and see if your right leg can cross your right shoulder.

Put your right hand on the ground and hold your right foot with your left hand.

Open your chest, then press your right foot into your left hand and straighten your right leg behind you.

Crow style benefits: open the hip; Strengthen the core, arms and wrists.

Start in wreath pose with your big toes together and your knees on your triceps.

When you feel stable, lean forward and use your core strength to lift the inner thighs up and close to each other.

Tighten your core and lift your toes up to your hips.

Octagonal benefits: full body participation in posture.

This position strengthens and lengthens all parts of the body from head to foot, especially the inner thighs, back, arms and wrists.

Sit up and wrap your right leg around your right shoulder.

Then put your left leg in front of your right hand.

Hook your ankles and lean forward to lift your hips and keep breathing a few times.

Then repeat on the other side.

Forearm handstand benefits: strengthen the arms, core, shoulders and back; Improve circulation.

Start with dolphin.

Put your eyes between your wrists, lift one leg and jump up to lift the other leg.

Once stable, start using your core, press your forearms into the ground, open your chest, and your feet toward your head.

Upside down benefits: relieve stress, calm the mind, stimulate the lymphatic system, and strengthen the core and back.

Cross your fingers, keep your elbows shoulder width, and put your head on the mat.

Press your forearms into the ground, then lift your knees and walk your feet towards your face.

Start lifting one foot, then the other.

Once your knees are folded and your feet are off the ground, place your knees over your hips and slowly straighten your legs.

Mermaid style benefits: stretch thighs, hips, quadriceps femoris, chest and hip muscles; Open the upper back.

Starting from the one leg downward dog pose, place the right knee next to the right wrist, enter the pigeon pose, twist to the left, extend the left foot into the curved elbow, and then extend the right hand backward to buckle with the left hand.

Benefits of King Dance: stretch shoulders, core, chest and quadriceps femoris; Strengthen the core.

Stand, inhale, bend and raise your right leg backward, hold your right ankle with your right hand, and extend your left arm forward.

Straighten your left leg, lean forward, wrap your left hand around your shoulder, grab your right foot, exhale, pull your right foot over your head with both hands, relax your neck and look ahead.

Side crow style benefits: strengthen the upper body, core and hip muscles; Stretch your hamstrings.

Put your knees together and point to the right to see if you can put your right hip on your right elbow and your left leg on your left elbow.

Lean forward, tighten the core and lift your feet off the ground.

Side panel variant benefit: open hamstrings.

Starting from the side panel position, raise your hips and see if you can hold your big toes with two fingers.

Then, stretch your legs up and fold them over your right hip.

Benefits of double angle to tripod handstand: stretch hamstrings and back; Strengthen the arms, back and core.

Starting from the double angle pose, place your head on the ground and your hands on the ground.

Make sure the elbow is above the wrist.

You can move your knees to your bent elbows, or use the strength of your core and inner thighs to extend your legs to the side and lift them up.

Wild to wheel benefits: open chest, back and hip flexors.

Start with the wild pose.

Continue to lift your hips until there is enough space in your upper back, put your right hand down on the ground, and then turn your left fingertip to face your feet.

Enter the complete wheel…

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