New Yoga Life

Indian Yoga Institute | Iyengar yoga integration – intensive II course (the last day of the countdown to the early bird discount)

Integration, that is, the original level2 course.

After learning at the level of foundation building, the students will learn an ability – how to integrate the knowledge in the mind into the body; How to integrate fragment knowledge; How to draw inferences from one instance; How to teach the unknown with the known…

The above is the focus of learning at the level of “integration”.

Learning at this level includes not only the asanas at this level, but also the asanas of “building foundation”, and all the asanas of level1 & 2.

You have the opportunity to learn and master in courses at this level.

In addition to the basic standing and sitting, the challenging standing twisting pose brings challenges.

The basic backward bending pose and inverted three-dimensional pose can open an unknown level for the body, further understand the body, self explore and try to enter yoga.

Detailed explanation and practice of 40 postures in level2 level to straighten out the logical relationship.

How to practice and adjust according to your own situation.

Taste different sequences to bring the feeling of the body and feel the beauty of the sequence.

  Learn all respiratory control methods in level1 & 2.

  Learn repair sequences for different purposes.

Learn the practice method and sequence of female menstruation.

Explanation of yoga philosophy.

Sanskrit learning.

Wang Suyu (teacher Su Su) was once the financial director of junior II of Iyengar yoga.

Now, yoga teachers seem to have two unrelated occupations in the workplace, but they are closely related in her eyes: “doing finance looks at human nature, and doing yoga is face-to-face with self”.

The preciseness and prudence cultivated by years of financial work coincide with Iyengar yoga.

The strong logic and reasoning are applied to the body.

It is refreshing when applied to the posture.

The chaotic body and the brain that refuses to be adjusted become obedient and sharp after her language conditioning.

When the brain is clear, the body begins to gradually restore its subjective initiative.

Yoga practitioners who don’t like reading are not good Yoga teachers.

Su Su’s reading covers a wide range of subjects, including literature, philosophy, art and yoga.

Perhaps a lot of reading makes the teacher’s explanation in the classroom particularly vivid.

Every metaphor is impressive.

The occasional humor makes people not feel stiff under her rigorous teaching.

The classroom atmosphere is quite fluid and interactive.

The students are not tired and happy.

Her students are from all walks of life, even from different ethnic groups.

The students love her classroom – “her classroom is like a bottle of old wine.

The more you taste it, the more it surprises you – it’s not enough.” accurate.

Teacher Su Su Su’s instructions are clear, simple and neat, and directly guide you in the right direction without any entanglement and hesitation in the process, Take us to the core of asana without dragging mud and water at all.

Sharp straighten out the logical relationship, everything.

But also completely not rigidly adhere to the form, not limited to the so-called “standards”, but at the same time follow the basic standards.

In arhda chandrasana, she guided us to raise the upper leg as high as possible and unconventionally parallel to the pelvis, so as to bring the results of the upper thigh backward and tightening and the two hips to the middle.

All this was carried out under the condition that the lower leg as the foundation support followed the standard.

Therefore, it not only follows the standards, but also breaks the limitations of the standards.

It’s a wonderful experience.

Only when you experience it with awareness can you really understand it.

Safety in the posture of grasping the wall rope by hand, it is emphasized that the position of grasping the wall rope by hand remains unchanged rather than turning the hand to protect the potential safety risk of the boom bone from sliding out of the joint.

This consideration of safety is reflected in all postures that are difficult and easy to cause injury, which skillfully avoids possible safety problems and improves our awareness of safety practice.

Many times, teacher Su Su doesn’t directly give you a series of instructions to do asana, but asks you to do it with your existing understanding and knowledge.

In this way, she will first give her a chance to understand us, and then she will give relatively effective and efficient guidance according to the real situation presented by us.

Humor and deep insight.

In simple terms, the lighthearted and pleasant classroom puts aside the characteristics of her curriculum and teaching.

The biggest feature is that she does not follow the flow.

Her failure to follow the flow is reflected in: teacher Su Su does not blindly give complex instructions to show the richness of self-knowledge.

On the contrary, she emphasizes the simplicity of complex postures to empty the complicated brain and achieve purity (pratyahara).

The practice of asana is the process of self-awareness.

At the initial stage, in the physical body, it gradually reaches the subtle body, thought and consciousness…

Beginners with a certain yoga practice foundation have practice experience in other systems.

Yoga practitioners and enthusiasts who want to deeply learn the Iyengar system, students who participate in the Iyengar teacher training system, and practitioners and enthusiasts who want to improve the quality of self practice, some students’ feedback / left-right sliding on the course.

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