New Yoga Life

Women with thin waist, flat abdomen and raised hips only need these yoga postures~

Most office workers spend a lot of time sitting still every day.

Over time, fat slowly accumulates in the lower body, and the waist, hips and legs become thicker and thicker…

A good body is slowly swallowed up by fat ~ I feel distressed to think about it ~ now I share a group of fat scraping actions designed to reduce the weight of the lower body, You can complete the exercise with a sofa or seat.

This group of movements is basically carried out around our waist, abdomen, hips and legs.

It can squeeze the viscera, expel toxins from the body and straighten out the intestines and stomach.


Key points of push up hip swing exercise: support the body with both hands and toes in a straight line, and swing the hips left and right.

Efficacy: firm and tighten the lines of arms, hips and thighs.


Key points of leg lifting exercise after push ups: face the sofa, support the body with both hands and toes in a straight line, raise the legs alternately, and keep the toes hooked back.

Efficacy: tighten gluteal muscles and improve hip lines.


Key points of hip bridge exercise: back to the sofa, support the body backward, bend the legs, form an angle of 90 ° between the big and small legs, use the hip strength to raise up, and the thighs are in a straight line with the body.

Efficacy: tighten gluteus maximus and firm the hip line.


Key points of dynamic boat style exercise: sit on the sofa, straighten your body, force your abdomen, bend your knees, lift your legs, hold your knees with your arms, release your hands and straighten your legs.

Keep your legs hanging.

Efficacy: exercise rectus abdominis and burn abdominal fat.


Key points of Russian swivel exercise: sit on the sofa, straighten your body, force your abdomen, bend your knees, lift your legs, clench your hands, alternate left and right, and keep your legs bent and suspended.

Efficacy: exercise rectus abdominis and optimize the line of lateral waist.


Key points of elbow to knee practice in sitting posture: sit on the sofa, straighten your body, force your abdomen, hang your legs in the air, straighten your knees, bend your elbows with one leg, alternating left and right.

Efficacy: tighten rectus abdominis and oblique abdominis, and burn leg fat.


Key points of Cobra practice: face the sofa, straighten your arms, support with your toes, straighten your legs, tighten your hips, and keep your shoulders and upper body slightly tilted back.

Efficacy: stretch rectus abdominis and tighten leg and hip muscles.

Having a perfect figure is every girl’s dream.

Don’t let the fat take away your perfect curve because you are sedentary.

Take some time to practice every day, and you will have perfect lines soon!  。.

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