New Yoga Life

19 – too complete! This set of yoga movement chart is suitable for beginners to lose waist, legs and whole body at one time

Today, I recommend 9 groups of Dynamic Yoga series, which is super effective for sweating and weight loss.

Let’s try it together! 1 lower dog – inclined board – four pillars – lower dog starts from the downward dog pose, the distance between hands and feet is about one leg long, the width of hands and feet is the same as that of shoulders, push the ground with both hands, press the heels down, exhale and close the abdomen, lift the sitting bone up, relax the shoulders and neck, extend the arms, back and legs, inhale, move the center of gravity forward into the inclined board to close the abdomen, push the ground with hands and heels, push the arms and soles of feet perpendicular to the ground, straighten the legs, exhale and close the abdomen, Bend your elbows, lower your shoulders to the same height as your elbows, clamp your heels in your big arms and push back.

Straighten your legs into the four pillars to inhale, straighten your arms into the inclined board to exhale, and lift your sitting bone up into the lower dog.

Repeat this group of postures for 5 rounds.

2 lower dog – inclined board – four pillars – upper dog – lower dog.

Start from the lower dog pose, the distance between your hands and feet is about one leg long, your hands and feet are the same shoulder width, push your hands on the ground, press your heels to exhale, close your abdomen, and lift your sitting bone up, Relax the shoulders and neck, stretch the arms, back and legs, inhale, move the center of gravity forward into the inclined plate to close the abdomen, push the ground, push the heels to push the arms and soles of the feet perpendicular to the ground, straighten the legs, exhale and close the abdomen, bend the elbows, lower the shoulders to the same elbow height, clamp the heels in the big arm and push back, straighten the legs into the four columns to inhale, pull the head back on the ground with both hands, drive the body forward, roll upward and press the toes, Lift your thighs off the ground, slowly straighten your arms, extend your spine upward, open your chest, relax your shoulders and neck, exhale into the upper dog, push your hands on the ground and hook your toes back into the lower dog, repeat this group of postures for 3-5 rounds, 3 lower dog seal lower dog, start from the lower dog, the distance between your hands and feet is about one leg long, your hands and feet are shoulder width, push your hands on the ground, press your heels down, exhale, close your abdomen, lift your sitting bones up, relax your shoulders and neck, inhale, Extend the arms, back and legs to exhale, bend the elbows and push the forearms to inhale, straighten the arms into the lower dog, repeat 5 rounds and then enter the baby style relaxation.


Roll the abdomen from the inclined plate to inhale, turn left and extend the left arm upward to exhale and close the abdomen, push the legs together with the right hand, pedal the heel, push the right foot outward to inhale, extend the spine, open the chest, exhale, close the abdomen and turn the chest The left hand goes down through the right armpit and repeats 5 rotations on the opposite side.


Raise the arm and stick the index fingers of both hands together.

The four fingers clasp the feet about one shoulder width.

The toes stretch out and exhale.

Bend the knees and squat down.

The hips find the ground, place the hands in front of the chest, open the chest, extend the spine, put the elbows inside the knees, rotate the thighs outward to inhale, stand up with both feet pushed, and lift the arms up, The index finger points to the sky, the big arm is close to the root of the ear, the shoulders relax and repeat this group of asanas, 3-5 rounds, 6 jump starting pose, starting from the starting pose, the fingertips of both hands support the ground, the front large and small legs 90 degrees, the rear legs straighten, exhale, close the abdomen, and push both feet to the ground, Lift up the front and rear legs on the hips, repeat 3-5 rounds in the air, and then enter the downward dog pose 6 downward dog – Warrior 1 – Warrior 2 – Anti War – half moon – Warrior 2 – downward dog.

Start from downward dog pose, take a big step forward with the left foot into Warrior 1.

The left knee is in the same direction as the left foot tip, the right foot tip is buckled, the left leg is bent 90 degrees, the right leg is straightened, the upper body of the arm belt is extended upward, and the palm is inhaled relative to the shoulder width, Open the upper body to the right, lift the arm horizontally into soldier 2, exhale, bend the upper body to the right, enter the anti war type, gently put the right hand on the right leg, inhale, stick the left arm to the ear root and extend the exhalation, move the center of gravity to the left foot, inhale the upper body to the left, lift and straighten the right leg, push the heel, push the left foot to the ground, straighten the left leg, hold the brick with the left hand, and extend the right arm upward, and extend the back, Open the chest and stay for 3 rounds of breathing, exhale, bend the left knee, take a big step back to soldier 2, push both hands into the lower dog to change the opposite side, 8 half moon variant, enter the half moon style from the anti war style in the previous group, gently support the brick with the left hand, bend the left leg slowly and straighten the knee, exhale and bend the left knee for 3 rounds, Take a big step backward with your right foot to soldier 2.

Push your hands into the lower dog and change to the opposite side.


Eagle Eagle soldier with Eagle arm 1.

Bend back Eagle enters eagle from mountain pose.

The lower part of the right arm and the upper part of the left arm are intertwined.

The upper arm is flush with the chest, the palm is close to the center of the palm, the thumb points to the center of the eyebrow, the right leg and the lower part of the left leg, wrap the legs around the root of the thigh, the back of the right foot, wrap the left calf, bend your knees to maintain balance, and stay for 5 rounds of breathing and inhalation, Keep the eagle arm up, lift the right leg and take a big step back into the lower body of warrior 1, bend the left leg 90 degrees, straighten the right leg, exhale, close the abdomen and lift the chest into the back bend, inhale, straighten the upper body, move the right leg forward, wrap the legs back to the eagle and change the opposite side, and finally return to the mountain stand to forward and hide.

From today on, practice for 10 minutes every night and punch in together! RECOMM.

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