New Yoga Life

Have you heard? Wuxue maternal and child yoga class is open!

Wuxue maternal and child} children yoga class has started! Does your child have bad habits of sitting and standing? Are there high and low shoulders? Torticollis? Bow back? What about O-legs or X-legs? Varus pedis? Pelvic tilt back and forth? Do you know what scoliosis is? Do you pay attention to the various problems of bone growth in childhood? Let’s introduce children’s Yoga.

Children’s yoga can help increase body elasticity and improve personal posture.

It is a healthy exercise for children.

Because the movements of children’s Yoga are more interesting and specially designed to meet their physical development needs, children’s yoga can find the most natural state of the body, stay away from stress, disease and increase immunity.

Children’s Yoga is a comprehensive subject in the modern education system and a compulsory practice in family life.

It is the combination of sports and games, so that children can interact in sports, learn patience, concentration and detail in practice, and understand mutual assistance, love and sharing.

Children’s Yoga is an education, which plays an important role in the development of children’s intelligence, physical fitness and emotion.

The benefits of children’s Yoga the eight benefits of practicing children’s Yoga children’s Yoga is a healthy way to practice.

The movements of children’s Yoga are more interesting and specially designed to meet their physical development needs.

Children’s yoga can bring children good posture, healthy spine, peaceful mood, clear thinking and positive attitude.

In addition, yoga can let children learn patience, concentration, detail, love and sharing in practice.

Children’s Yoga schedule is out! Class time: 3:00-4:00 p.m.

from January 18 to January 28.

45 minutes for each class.

Contact number: 0713-6232962.

Head nurse Wu: 17771386239.

Class location: Children’s yoga hall on the third floor.

Source of materials | micro martial acupoint business cooperation of Wuxue maternal and child health hospital | 13476624777 manager Zhang’s legal adviser | Zhang Sheng, lawyer of Hubei Daohui law firm..

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