New Yoga Life

How does practice yoga wheel wrist ache do? You need to warm up your wrists like this (motion picture tutorial)

At the beginning of practicing yoga wheel, many students felt wrist pain.

There are several reasons for wrist pain: 1.

There is no stretching around the wrist.


There is no strength in the fingers, small arms and big arms.


The shoulders and chest are not opened and can not be lifted.

The pressure comes to the wrist.

Then, before practicing the wheel, you can warm up and stretch the wrist, and establish the strength of the arms and fingers to protect the wrist.

8 wrist warm-up exercises ↓↓↓ action 1: from the four legged bench, the center of gravity is forward, the shoulder exceeds the wrist, and then the center of gravity is backward.

The wrist comes to the back of the shoulder and repeats 10 actions 2: from the four legged bench, the center of gravity is backward, the hip sits on the heel, the palm is off the ground, and the inner side of the wrist gently touches the ground.

3: on the basis of the previous action, When the center of gravity moves forward, come to the inclined plate and repeat 10 actions 4: in the four legged bench, inhale and lift the wrist off the ground, exhale and put it down.

Repeat 10 actions 5: from the four legged bench, with the fingertips facing back, the center of gravity backward, and the hips stretching the heels back and forth.

Repeat 10 actions 6: from the four legged bench, lift the wrist off the ground, and keep 10 breathing actions with fingertips.

7: on the basis of the previous action, Straighten your legs, come to the inclined plate and keep 10 breaths.

After the warm-up, the first wheel pose, assisted by yoga bricks, can protect your wrists: put two bricks above your shoulders and hold your hands on the bricks.

Pay attention to the placement of your palms, your palms are rooted on the bricks, your fingers are in front of the bricks, and your elbows should not be turned away.

Inhale and lift the wheel pose to keep 5 breaths, and then take away the bricks, After directly practicing the wheel, push your legs hard, push your chest in the direction of your chest, fully open your chest and keep 5 breaths.

Practice the wheel so as to warm up, and you won’t be afraid of wrist pain any more! Beginners quickly collect them.

These warm-up exercises are not only helpful for practicing wheel pose, but also good warm-up exercises such as opponent handstand and arm support pose…

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