New Yoga Life

In yoga practice, it turns out that “rotating the pelvis” is so important!

Many Jia people have the problem of arched back when doing forward bending postures.

At the same time, because the hand can’t touch the foot, they are annoyed at their stiffness, and there are cognitive misunderstandings such as the hand can’t touch the foot because of their own proportion.

But in fact, the essence is not to rotate the pelvis and do not master the tips of rotating the pelvis.

So today I’ll explain two or three things about rotating the pelvis.

Why is it so important to rotate the pelvis? For example, when sitting and bending forward, it is necessary to extend the back with the help of the forward rotation of the pelvis to protect the lumbar spine, and then stretch the muscles behind the legs on this basis to make the posture deeper.

If the pelvis does not rotate or rotates in the opposite direction (backward), it will cause excessive compression of the lumbar spine.

At this time, it will affect the natural curvature of the spine and even cause pain over time.

Folding from the hip means turning the pelvis forward.

When we can’t turn the pelvis, we can’t fold from the hip, we will fold from the waist.

In this way, it is not only difficult to make the hand on the amplitude not touch the toe, but also a great health hazard.

Why is the pelvis difficult to rotate? The upper end of the pelvis is connected to the lumbar spine and the lower end is connected to the thigh; If hip flexor muscle group iliopsoas muscle is stiff and weak, it will affect our forward rotation of pelvis, and the movement of forward flexion will be limited.

For this reason, more dry goods can be seen in the previous article “the starter of hip flexion – iliopsoas muscle”.

At the same time, if there is tension in one of the related parts of the back, lower abdomen, hips, back of the legs and front of the thighs, it will prevent the pelvis from turning forward.

How to find the feeling of pelvic rotation? Cat bow back / cat stretch although this pose has been done many times, we should focus on the pelvic area when cultivating the awareness of rotating the pelvis.

Inhale, extend the sciatic bone back and forth, exhale, the sciatic bone is down, the abdomen is retracted, and the back is pushed upward.

Practice for 8-10 times to find the feeling of rotating the pelvis.

The downward dog pose should be in the shape of “V”, but beginners can’t do it.

It will be in the shape of “U”, which is actually because the pelvis doesn’t rotate.

Push the thigh root backward and upward, push both feet and hands downward to keep the spine extended.

The extension Yoga brick at the back of the leg assists in applying awareness to forward flexion.

If the back of the thigh is relatively tight, you can bend the knee slightly.

The hand can be placed on the Yoga brick at different heights according to your own situation, and the lower abdomen tries to stick to the thigh, This is the key for the pelvis to rotate forward rather than fold from the waist.

Maintaining smooth breathing for more than 1 minute explains the importance of rotating the pelvis in yoga practice and how to find the awareness of turning to the pelvis.

I hope you can feel it with your heart and continue to feel the health and charm Yoga brings us.

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