New Yoga Life

Practicing yoga like this will destroy your body! Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga practice is good for health, but wrong practice is not necessary.

Sometimes the wrong method is not only bad for the body, but harmful.

Today, I’ll summarize some of the most common mistakes in our yoga practice.

Let’s compare them.

If you are like this, you should correct them as soon as possible! No.1 “overeating” Yoga is not yoga at ordinary times.

Once in a while, it will suddenly increase the amount of practice.

It will last for several classes at a time, which is likely to cause physical damage.

This kind of “overeating” Yoga Fitness not only has poor practice effect, but is prone to accidental physical injury.

The more common are joint injury and tendon strain, but also may cause chronic injury to various organs of the body.

The best way to practice yoga is to keep going step by step, three to five times a week! No.2 “brake hard” after yoga, especially in summer.

Don’t stop to rest immediately after yoga.

During yoga, the blood is mostly concentrated in the limb muscles, and the blood circulation is very fast.

If you stop to rest just after yoga, your heart will be ischemic, and your brain will suffer from dizziness, nausea, vomiting, shock and other symptoms due to insufficient blood supply and hypoxia.

Especially don’t miss the rest after each yoga class.

Yoga relaxation for about 10 minutes can restore people’s energy.

Walk again after class, stretch and take a few deep breaths.

No.3 Yoga just after dinner.

Generally, after a full meal, most of the blood of the human body is concentrated in the stomach and liver.

If you go to yoga immediately, it will relax the ligaments and lead to gastroptosis for a long time.

Strenuous exercise immediately after meals will inhibit the secretion of digestive juice and the peristalsis of digestive tract, which are easy to cause dyspepsia and malabsorption, affect metabolism, and even cause chronic stomach disease.

It is recommended to rest for 1-2 hours after each full meal and then do yoga.



Yoga without eating.

Since I can’t eat enough, can I go to yoga without eating? In fact, this is not possible.

Satiety exercise is harmful to health, and fasting exercise is also unscientific.

According to the associate professor of Sports Science Department of Ohio State University, fasting exercise can lead to dizziness, even vomiting, sports hypoglycemia and increase the risk of accidental injury.

Before yoga, you must eat something that is easy to digest.

Don’t eat foods that are not easy to digest such as fat and protein.

No.5 without adequate warm-up, many people directly enter yoga asana practice without warm-up in order to save time, which is easy to cause muscle damage and fatigue.

No.6 yoga is too much at the beginning of learning.

Most people go to yoga because of their hobbies.

It’s hard to avoid indulging in yoga when they just start yoga.

If you force yourself too hard when doing asanas, it is easy to cause muscle ligament strain and sprain, and it will also cause psychological shadow for future yoga practice.

Beginners should not pursue high-intensity and difficult yoga exercises at the beginning.

Subjective feeling does not affect their normal body extension, or stop before they feel muscle pain.

This can be referred to.


Do not replenish water before yoga.

Pour water after yoga.

Drink water before yoga to prevent untimely replenishment during yoga.

Generally, you should drink water an hour to an hour and a half before yoga.

Everyone perspires differently during yoga and needs different water supplement, as long as they don’t feel thirsty.

After yoga practice, you are often thirsty.

If you panic and don’t choose to eat, drinking enough at one breath will cause more fatigue.

The result of drinking a lot of water will only lead to further loss of salt, causing spasms and cramps.

So remember to replenish water at all times.

Take a bath immediately after yoga.

Taking a hot bath immediately after yoga will stimulate pore expansion, and the blood is mainly concentrated on the skin, affecting the blood circulation of the whole body, resulting in insufficient blood supply to other parts of the body, which is easy to cause dizziness, nausea, general weakness and other symptoms.

It is more harmful to take a cold bath immediately after yoga.

A cold bath will immediately close the pores of the body, shrink the capillaries, and block the circulation between the body and the outside world.

Although the body feels refreshing for a short time, it blocks the distribution of body heat, which is not conducive to the recovery of muscles.

In the long run, it will make the body sick.

After yoga, it is recommended to take an appropriate rest for about an hour.

When the body returns to the state before fitness, you can start taking a bath with appropriate water temperature.

No.9 , adhere to yoga when you are sick and practice yoga when you are sick.

The more you practice, the better.

For some minor diseases of head pain and brain fever, it is absolutely wrong to move your muscles and bones, sweat all over, and get sick faster.

During illness, human immunity and resistance will decline.

If you feel unwell, you should suspend or reduce the amount of exercise.

Otherwise, it will aggravate the disease and prolong the disease period.

If there are dizziness, chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath and other symptoms in yoga, stop all activities immediately and avoid hard support.

Especially the middle-aged and elderly yoga practitioners.

After you’ve read it, you can watch it before you go 👍。.

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