Yoga and picture books, Ding ~ ~ collided

Mom and baby, join us in the free open class of “Yoga & picture book reading training camp”! Introduction to this issue: Children’s interest and love are derived from congenital, open to enlightenment, nurtured by the infiltration of family environment, and constant in the loving company and continuous guidance of family and teachers.

As long as you spend a little time together with your child to complete an interesting and meaningful thing, I believe you will sow the seeds of positive energy for your child.

The youth growth class is aimed at children and opens a Yoga & picture book reading training camp.

In each issue, professional teachers share a picture book story.

Professional yoga teachers combine the contents of the picture book to guide children to do basic movement exercises, effectively combine yoga enlightenment with picture book reading, and help children establish harmony between body and mind.

Suitable for children aged 3-7 course method: Online Course (Tencent Conference) open class time: 19:00-20:00 on Saturday, January 29.

Through the training camp, we look forward to leading children to experience the joy of reading and stimulate their interest in reading.

Cultivate children’s concentration and develop good reading habits.

Relax and enhance physical flexibility and coordination.

Contact information: 17267890286 (same wechat number).

Welcome to sign up for consultation.

Please join us on January 22, 2022.

Tutor Ruiqing: Master of economics, Renmin University of China, now moves to Budapest, Hungary, loves literature and all beautiful things, and has long carried out picture book reading courses for preschool children in the front line of teaching.

Tutor Qingjing: founder of Qingji growth class.

Graduated from National University of Defense Science and technology.

He graduated from Beijing Sanskrit Yoga school and studied Yoga systematically from Professor Bo Lei and Professor Sahai of Kaivalyadhama college in India.

Yoga has been taught for 9 years and is good at the repair of shoulder, neck and lumbar spine, the conditioning of insomnia and anxiety, etc…

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