New Yoga Life

Yoga Cobra Style 6 anatomical points, practice good treatment of the waist, practice wrong injury to the waist, especially pay attention!

When it comes to Cobra pose, yoga practitioners should be familiar with it.

This pose is as poisonous as its name “Cobra”.

Many people love and hate it.

Both beginners and experienced practitioners of yoga have been more or less poisoned by it.

Practicing it well can effectively treat low back pain.

If you don’t practice well, you will hurt your waist severely.

Never be soft.

So, how to do Cobra style without hurting the lumbar spine, but also good for the lumbar spine? Today, from the perspective of yoga anatomy, let’s share its six anatomical points.

Yoga beginners must pay attention to it! 1.

How to start the lower part of the trapezius muscle: sink the shoulder, open the chest forward and upward, expand the shoulders backward, and retract the shoulder blades.


The elbow clip can help the chest open better and assist the extension and retroflexion of the spine.


The rectus abdominis muscle has a controlled extension.

In cobra, the abdominal muscle should have a controlled extension, not completely tightened or completely relaxed.

If the above three points are not done well, it is easy to look like the above figure.

The chest is not opened, the spine is not extended, the shoulder blades protrude upward, and the pressure is concentrated on the 1ST-2ND lumbar spine, causing pain.


The pelvis rotates slightly backward and the tailbone moves toward the ground.

In cobra, the low back pain is mostly caused by excessive forward rotation of the pelvis and no extension of the spine.

Therefore, in the practice of cobra, we should pay particular attention to slightly backward rotation of the pelvis and backward downward movement of the tailbone toward the ground, so as to create more space for the extension and backward bending of the lumbar spine and avoid pain.


The back of the neck extends in the pose of Cobra.

Many Jia people are prone to neck pain, mainly because the neck is either excessively tilted back or the head is excessively extended forward.

So, how to avoid this situation? In fact, it’s very simple.

Before entering the pose, the lower jaw points to the ground, first extend the back of the neck, put the cervical spine in the right position, start the atlantoaxial joint, and then enter the pose.


Look at the lower front of the body.

In the practice of cobra, many yoga beginners will ignore this.

Their eyes look straight ahead.

In fact, in Cobra pose, their eyes can look down front to reduce or avoid the flexion of the cervical spine.

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