New Yoga Life

Yoga rest = lie down? sleep oh… NO!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga rest is an effective relaxation art in ancient yoga.

It is a rest caused by complete concentration.

Through more than ten minutes, quickly relax the tension of various parts of the body, eliminate fatigue, feel comfortable and recover energy after rest operation.

Yoga rest can be done by anyone, but this rest is fundamentally different from sleep in the general sense.

In the correct rest practice, the practitioner can control it with consciousness and wake up from consciousness, which is not controlled by sleep.

In yoga practice, there is usually Yoga rest at the end of the course.

Many yoga beginners or people who have not been in contact with yoga will think that rest is to lie down and relax and sleep.

Some Jia people may know that rest is not sleep, but they also regard it as sleep every time.

They fall asleep as soon as they lie down.

It is common to hear snoring in class…

In fact, yoga rest is very different from lying down to sleep.

Today, I’d like to give you a brief introduction to yoga rest.

I often treat Yoga rest as a sleeping person.


What is Yoga rest? Yoga rest is an effective relaxation art in ancient yoga.

It is a rest caused by complete concentration.

Through more than ten minutes, quickly relax the tension of all parts of the body.

After the rest operation, eliminate fatigue, feel comfortable, relaxed and energetic.

Rest techniques include yoga voice meditation, relaxing all parts of the body, yoga scene meditation, getting up after full energy and so on.

Yoga rest can be done by anyone, but this rest is fundamentally different from sleep in the general sense.

In the correct rest practice, the practitioner can control it with consciousness and wake up from consciousness, which is not controlled by sleep.


Practicing the rest technique at different times has different effects.

After relaxing all parts, you still need to stand up and do the energy recovery work, so that the warm sunshine can spread all over your body, and the energetic body can meet the arrival of the new day.

Noon rest is to relax all parts and feel that you want to go to sleep.

It only takes more than ten minutes to relax and rest and recover your energy quickly.

Yoga rest before going to bed at night can read relaxation words more carefully and slowly, such as the small toe of the right foot, the fourth foot toe, the third toe, the second toe, the big toe, etc.

recite these words silently in your heart, eliminate all kinds of distractions, concentrate all your energy on all parts of the body, and all parts are relaxing.

In this way, you enter a sleep state with high quality, And really relax completely.


The complete Yoga rest technique has five components: aware of the parts of the body and moving from the feet to the head, relax, feel breathing, feel the pulse, blood circulation and the flow of body energy, control the thinking fluctuation through spiritual hint, increase the positive potential, and feel the essence of the universe in the body and the consciousness of the universe.


There are three stages that Yoga people need to go through to practice the rest technique.

Stage 1: physical and mental tension, Unable to concentrate on following guidance.

(mostly beginners of yoga) stage 2: the body and consciousness follow the guidance to relax and fall asleep.

(experienced Jiaren) stage 3: concentrate on consciousness, pay attention to the inside, isolate external interference, follow and guide consciousness, and control body relaxation.

This is the proper state of Yoga rest, and it is also a special meditation.

(Yoga old bird) 5.

Precautions for practicing yoga rest.

When practicing yoga rest, avoid direct blowing and strong light.

The surrounding environment should be quiet.

Generally, you should pay attention to avoid violent noise during practice.

Please turn off the air conditioner and fan during practice in summer.

When the room temperature is low, cover the trainer with a blanket to keep the body warm and relaxed.

After you’ve read it, you can watch it before you go 👍。.

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