New Yoga Life

You can also use chairs to practice yoga and increase your knowledge!

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Chairs can play a great auxiliary role in yoga asana practice.

It can not only help to stretch, but also help to practice supporting postures such as handstand.

For example, the following nine actions: action 1: stand with your legs together, put your hands on the chair, retract your abdomen, and sink your chest.

You can pull and extend the back of your legs and your back for 1 minute.

Action 2: stand with your legs apart, your right leg in front, your left leg in the back hip, and your hands stretched on the back of the chair neck, Abdominal adduction can pull and extend the back of the leg and keep it for 1 minute.

Side change action 3: bend the left leg, put your hands on the back of the chair, straighten the right leg, step on the toe and stretch the outside of the hip for 1 minute.

Side change action 4: the chair supports the left side of the body, press the outside of the waist and left foot, straighten the left leg, support the ground with your left hand, and grasp the right toe with your right hand, Straightening the right leg can pull the inner side of the leg well for 1 minute.

Side change action 5: put your hands on the back of the chair, open your legs the same width as your hips, stretch your instep, retract your abdomen, and extend your spine well.

Keep your spine for 30 seconds.

Action 6: put your hands on the end of the chair, put your fingertips forward, step on the ground with your feet, and lift your hips, Chest lifting can well open the front of the body and keep it for 30 seconds.

Action 7: sit up, bend your knees back, put your knees together, put the front end of the chair against the upper back, bend your hands and grasp the end of the chair.

You can well open the chest and keep it for 30 seconds.

Action 8: hold the chair feet with both hands, support your elbows and small arms, retract your abdomen, step your feet on the chair and raise your head, Hold for 30 seconds action 9: sit at the front of the chair with your hips, your legs straight and folded forward, and hold your feet with both hands for 1 minute.

The yoga chair is really helpful.

It is often used in Iyengar yoga.

What other uses do you know? (picture and text source network.

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