“Hatha Yoga sun worship” opens a new chapter of the year with classics

On the way of yoga, either in yoga or in yoga, pay attention to the sun worship, also known as the Sun Salutation, which is a common sequence of hada yoga.

It expresses people’s worship of the sun and embodies the most primitive form of human worship.

The solar salutation involves a series of 12 individual forms.

Asanas are connected by extending the spine forward and backward.

Each asana involves exhaling and inhaling.

Every part of the body is exercised by practicing the sun salutation.

Benefit is beneficial to relax the body and mind, improve flexibility, burn fat, practice concentration, improve blood circulation, enhance visceral function, exercise muscles, improve posture, alleviate insomnia and strengthen the body.

Sequence practice: many yoga classes warm up with the twelve forms of sun worship, which is also a classic introduction to yoga.

It is recommended that beginners practice more than 12 times a day, and fasting practice in the morning is the best.

1 mountain pose with feet together and hands folded in the chest.

Inhale first, then exhale.

2 stand with your hands up and bend back, inhale, stretch your hands up and back, bend your hands forward, exhale, fold down, 4 low lunge, inhale your right leg backward, extend your hands up, 5 canine exhale, push your hands to the lower dog, 6 inclined plate inhale, shoulder forward to the inclined plate, 7 eight body drop exhale, knee chest cavity chin landing, 8 snake inhalation, push forward and up to the snake elbow, slightly bend the inner clip, 9 dog exhale, return to the lower dog, 10 low lunge, inhale your right leg forward, Extend your hands upward 11 stand, bend and exhale, and fold your left leg forward 12 stand, lift your hands up and bend back, inhale, extend your hands upward and backward, exhale back to the mountain pose, and repeat on the left side.

This is a complete time.

Through the practice of sun worship, people will be happy, grateful and satisfied.

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