How to jump forward from downward dog pose in yoga? I’ve done wrong before!

On the way of yoga, we either focus on yoga or focus on jumping forward from downward dog pose.

It is a series that often occurs in yoga practice, especially in sun worship.

Jump forward from the downward dog pose, some are heavy and others are light.

If you jump right, you can exercise the strength of your arms, back and core.

Today, let’s talk about how to jump forward correctly: Step 1: downward dog pose, retract the abdomen and let the sitting bone more backward and upward.

Do you see the difference? Step 2: bend your knees, lift your heels and look ahead.

The key point is that your hips must be lifted up.

At this time, the strength of your abdomen, back, legs and hands will be more stable! Step 3: jump forward and up, make the sitting bones upward, raise the hips, and straighten the legs bravely, and start lifting the front of the thighs! Step 4: when you fall between your hands, keep your hips raised, your legs straight, your back extended, and jump forward in downward dog style.

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