What to pay attention to when practicing yoga triangle

Yoga triangle is a basic standing three-dimensional pose.

In this pose, only when the foundation of both feet is stable can the hips and chest be better unfolded.

Triangle Trikonasana wants to stabilize the foundation of her feet.

One important point that cannot be ignored is to advance the arch of her square foot.

How to advance the arch of the square foot in trigonometry? Step 1: press the mat on the outside of the front foot, which can activate the anterior tibial muscle and posterior tibial muscle of the lower leg.

Step 2: while keeping the mat on the outside of the foot, press the ball of the big toe down on the ground, which can activate the activation of the two groups of muscles above the long peroneal muscle and short peroneal muscle on the outside of the lower leg, which will have the opposite effect and antagonistic effect, This antagonistic effect stabilizes the ankle and activates the arch of the foot.

Start and lift the arch of the foot in the triangle pose, and the foundation will be more stable.

At this time, do the action of opening the hip and chest.

If the foundation is not stable, you want to open your hips and chest, which will only make you unstable! If you like, please pay attention!..

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