Yoga back practice to improve your temperament!

Charming figure is definitely one of the killer maces of the goddess! The deformation of the back is often related to our daily sitting posture.

We usually sit for a long time, and we will over stretch the middle and lower bundle of trapezius muscle, making it inelastic and weak.

Excessive tension in the front muscles of the chest and shoulders will aggravate the bad posture over time.

At least, the body is out of shape (protrusion of the lower abdomen, sagging of the chest, etc.), and at worst, dizziness, tinnitus, nerve compression and other symptoms will seriously affect the health! If you have back habits that affect your temperament, such as hunchback and bow waist, you must pay close attention to today’s practice ~ back training 1) twice a week; 2) 4 groups X12 times / each action; 3) The interval between actions is 40s, and the interval between groups is 25s.

Tips: during the movement, pay attention to adjusting the breathing and avoid holding your breath; Core muscles should be kept tight.

Warm up exercise – Essentials of bear climbing: 1) keep your legs straight and don’t bend; 2) Face the ground and fully activate the shoulder, back and other muscle groups to activate the body.

The main points of the action of bending over both ends: 1) straighten the legs and lift the knees off the ground; 2) Use your lower back muscles and don’t just lift your head; 3) If the shoulder is sore, you should pay attention.

The force may be in the wrong position.

Tips of superman flying: 1) straighten your legs and lift your knees off the ground; 2) Use your lower back muscles and don’t just lift your head; 3) After the action reaches the highest point, keep still.

Essentials of lean up and push up: 1) slightly hold your fists with your thumbs up; 2) Arm recovery, chest straightening and back strength.

Key points of bow rowing: 1) semi squat position, lean forward and straighten your back; 2) Clamp the back, drive the arm, and retract the barbell piece towards the small abdomen.

Key points of bird dog movement: 1) keep the arms, trunk and legs in a straight line; 2) Try to keep your body stable, with constant speed on both sides and alternating.

After training, don’t forget to stretch tips: the correct sequence of each training should be: activate – train – stretch.

So all my friends, especially those who don’t have much exercise habits, must follow this order.

It is said that Dabai breath regulation is a posture invented by ancient Indians to thank the sun for giving light and energy, so you must be humble and keep your shoulders close to the ground as much as possible.

The four corner bench is like a meow star, or blowing hair, or lazy posture.

Remember to breathe well.

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