New Yoga Life

It’s time to nourish the liver in spring. Try this set of liver detoxification Yoga sequence. The more you practice, the more ruddy your

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The liver is the largest detoxification organ of the human body.

When the detoxification function of the liver is weakened, the toxin will accumulate more and more, resulting in long spots, acne, hair loss, insomnia and other problems.

Those who have some experience in Yoga should know that Yoga torsion can help the liver detoxify, regulate the intestines and stomach, accelerate intestinal peristalsis and improve constipation in yoga practice! At the same time, it is also particularly beneficial to spinal health! So today’s twist sequence is especially suitable for those with dark yellow face, slow gastrointestinal peristalsis and stiff spine.

Keep practicing and make your face ruddy as you practice! 01 separate your feet for a long distance, inhale in parallel on the outside of your feet, extend your spine upward, exhale, fold your core body, bend your hips forward, bend your elbows on the ground, relax your neck, and stay for 5-8 breaths.

02 enter in the individual pose, turn your feet, turn to the right, bend your knees to the ground, enter the low lunge to exhale, twist your core body to the right, hold your hands flat, and stay for 5-8 breaths.

03 then step your left leg back straight and enter the high lunge step to inhale, Hold your hands flat on the side, twist to the right, exhale, tighten the core, bend your body to the left and enter the anti war style.

Repeat this flow for 5-8 times.

04 exit from the previous action, return to the high bow step, exhale, close the core, turn your body to the left, close your hands in front of your chest, turn your right elbow to the outside of your left knee, fight your right hand with your left knee, deepen the torsion of your shoulders and stretch back, stay for 5-8 breaths.

05 then take a step forward on your right leg, bend your hips and knees together, and enter the magic chair exhalation, Twist the body to the left, put your hands together, touch the outside of your right elbow and left knee, relax your shoulders and stay for 5-8 breaths, move 2-5 change the opposite side, practice 06 kneel on your knees, support your hands into the quadruped, breathe in, bend your elbow on the back of your head, tighten the core, twist your chest to the right, open your right elbow outward, repeat 8-10 times, 07 keep the basic inhalation of the previous action, pass your right hand through the left armpit and your right shoulder and land on the middle line of your body, Keep the palm up and keep the core tight.

Straighten your left hand forward and stay for 8-10 breaths.

Change sides in action 6-7.

08 withdraw from the previous action and enter the downward dog breathing.

Place your weight on your right hand.

Touch your right ankle and left ankle backward in turn to exhale.

Close the core.

Move your weight forward into the inclined plate and repeat the exercise for 8-10 times.

09 continue to maintain the downward dog, exhale on tiptoe with your heels, tighten the core, bend your knees slightly, spine pulse forward and inhale, Restore the downward dog pose, extend the spine section by section, repeat 8-10 times, 10 withdraw from the downward dog pose, lie prone forward, put the palms of both hands on both sides of the chest, inhale, push both hands to the ground, push up the chest, exhale, tighten the core, twist the body to the left, alternate left and right, repeat 8-10 times, 11 withdraw from the previous action, enter the sitting position, inhale, the sitting bone is downward, the spine is extended upward, exhale, tighten the core, fold the hip, bend forward, and the forehead is close to the lower leg, Stay for 8-10 breaths, 12 sitting positions, inhale, bend the hip of the left leg, lift up and exhale, close the core, grasp the outside of the left foot with the right hand, twist the body to the left, open the left hand backward, stay for 8-10 breaths, change to the other side 13 sitting position, straighten the left leg, press the bottom of the right foot against the left thigh root, exhale, bend the body forward, touch the tip of the left foot with the right hand, exhale with the left hand on the back of the body, tighten the core, push the hip up, enter the backward version of wild pose, inhale, After 8-10 repetitions, change the other side to 14 supine, bend your knees close to the abdomen, put your hands around the front of your legs, stretch your insteps to cooperate with breathing, tighten your core body, roll back and forth for 20 times, 15 supine, bend your knees up, lift your hands, bend your elbows flat on both sides of the ground, exhale, close the core, twist your legs to the right, turn left and right for one time, repeat 10-15 times, and adhere to the good habit of practicing yoga, which will be integrated into our life, Let’s be strong in life! (picture and text source network.

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