New Yoga Life

6 Yoga asanas to enhance immunity!

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Share 6 Yoga asanas to help gastrointestinal digestion, prevent various gastrointestinal diseases, and help protect the largest immune organs of the human body.


The phantom chair twists the feet together, closes the hands in front of the chest and bends the knees.

The knees do not exceed the toe tips.

The right elbow is attached to the body to the left side to keep 5 breaths on the outside of the left knee.

The reverse side exercises 2.

The simple garland style feet and shoulder width, squats with the hands together, the knees are in the same direction as the second toe, and the back is extended.

The elbows are against the inside of the knees to keep 6 breaths.


The rabbit baby enters, the forehead falls on the mat, and the hips are raised, Turn your head forward to the top of your head and touch the ground with your arms to relax or hold your heels for 4 breaths.

Do not turn your head left or right when you return to the baby pose, which will lead to dizziness.


Locust prone, with your feet clasped with your shoulder width and your hands behind your fingers, stretch your elbows and pull your upper body up.

At the same time, keep your legs straight and knees up to maintain 2 breaths.

5 dynamic exercises for 10 times.


Lie on your back in the wind elimination type, hold your right knee with your hands and pull your thighs close to your abdomen to help exhaust and stay for 5 breaths, Reverse side exercises can be rotated from left to right.

Do 3 groups of 6.

Sit and stand, bend and sit forward, straighten your legs, put pillows on your thighs, and bend forward to relax.

Relax your arms.

This is also a good restorative posture to maintain 8 breathing.

Yoga can comfortably massage various organs of the digestive system through the coordination of the whole body.

Therefore, long-term practice can help improve the function of the whole digestive system, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and expel turbid gas.

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