Every Monday in May, let’s do yoga together!

Health yoga yoga posture uses ancient and easy to master skills to improve people’s physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual abilities.

It is a way of movement to achieve the harmonious unity of body, mind and spirit, including body posture method, breath method and meditation idea, so as to achieve the unity of body and mind.

The course is arranged to meet you in the yoga class at 8 p.m.

every Monday ~ teacher profile Bian Hong, yoga Ambassador of Xi’an National Games, China Telecom, Huawei Technology, Putian Xi’an and Samsung technology Yoga enterprise course lecturer, keep, specially hired Yoga course designer # precautions 1.

Before practice, do yoga warm-up first and step by step to avoid sports injury.


During practice, keep the room relatively quiet and ventilated.

Don’t practice in a soft bed.

Prepare a yoga mat and practice barefoot.


Keep breathing steady during practice, pay attention to the peace of mind and meditate.


When practicing yoga, you must keep breathing 3 to 5 times in each movement.

After practicing yoga, you should feel the joy of your mood rather than the fatigue or even pain of your body.

In the past, I reviewed the Department of teaching and workers culture of the University’s labor union..

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