New Yoga Life

Good sleep, good skin, a set of bedtime yoga, the more you practice, the more tender your face is!

What harm does poor sleep and insomnia do to the human body? 01.

It is easy to feel tired and irritable 02.

The skin aging speed is accelerated and the skin color is dark 03.

It leads to decreased concentration and poor memory 04.

It is easy to lead to the occurrence of various diseases.

The research found that proper practice of some stretch yoga before going to bed can effectively relax your body and mind, balance your brain and nerves and let you have a good sleep! This decompression sequence must be put away today? 01.

Supine breathing regulation Relax on yoga mat Adjust breathing, 1-3 minutes 02, banana style Lie on your back with your right leg on your left leg The upper body is slightly to the left Feel the stretch on the right side of your body After staying for 2 minutes, change to the other side 03.

Supine spine torsion Supine position, right hip external rotation and abduction The back of the right foot clings to the left thigh Exhale and tighten the core Turn your lower body to the right Stay for 1-2 minutes and change to the other side 04.

Deer twist Sit up slowly Right leg external rotation, left leg internal rotation Inhale and extend the spine Exhale and twist to the right Stay for 1 minute, change the other side 05, stand and bend forward Stand up slowly Keep your legs shoulder width apart Inhale and extend the spine Exhale and bend forward Put something under your hands for support Stay for 1 minute 06, hero sit Enter the hero’s seat Place a yoga brick under the sitting bone Stay for 1 minute 07, recumbent hero Enter the recumbent hero pose For beginners, cushion the pillow under the lumbar spine Stay for 1-2 minutes 08, downward dog pose Return to downward dog pose Adjust 5-10 breaths 09 and supine Lie on your back with your legs bent Put your hands back Stay for 1-2 minutes and relax Lie on your back and relax When you stay for 3-5 minutes to practice, you can put on a favorite background music, and the relaxation effect is better! The content of this article comes from the Internet.

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