Soft and colorful Yoga Pants beauty, simple but very personalized, showing fashion

Soft and colorful Yoga Pants beauty, simple but very personalized, showing fashion.

Matching essentials of yoga pants? Straight shoulder: simple neutral Leggings + long suspender yoga pants.

Half length Pants: in the matching of yoga pants, long yoga pants can be more feminine, cute ones can be more playful, and higher and colder ones can be matched with suits.

Shorts: big pants with yoga pants, which are very girly yoga pants.

Shorts above the knee are longer legs.

Slim fit high waist yoga pants + knee length bottoms can be elongated.

The way of wearing and matching up and down makes the upper body as colorful as the lower body.

The combination of shirt + shirt pants + Jumpsuit high waist suspender gives people a sense of comfort and height.

In addition to these yoga pants, other styles can also adopt this way of wearing.

But without a good quality to ensure that these styles can not buy a good quality to reflect.

Think about it.

Most people don’t buy bad style casually.

Everyone has a love of beauty, and yoga pants are no exception.

To sum up, the principle of dressing and matching is to match the off shoulder top with wave point pants, the lower body and shoes with pleated pants or shorts; Off shoulder shirt + suspender pants + knee length and over knee trousers; One shoulder shirt + suspender pants + knee length shorts one shoulder should be everyone’s favorite style, which is more energetic to wear.

This kind of dress can be divided into two colors, one is red, the other is blue or yellow, which is lively and playful.

If the length is longer than the knee, the trousers are the best.

It is not required that everyone wear them well, but these trousers are more comfortable.

The best length is to the ankle, which can set off the beauty of women and improve the waistline.

We try to avoid buying too long trousers when we buy trousers.

Why? Shorts are easy to slip your shoulders.

Too long pants will appear that your legs are very short, so here there are two kinds of pants, one is trousers with high heels, and the other is shorts with flat shoes.

In fact, it is also possible to match shorts with flat shoes.

Here, pay attention to the pants in solid color as far as possible, and don’t match the pants in colors that are too different from your skin color.

In fact, yoga pants can also be cute.

They can be matched with suspenders, suspenders, bubble pants, sailor clothes, Capris and jeans.

They can be matched with T-shirts and cowboy shirts.

In fact, they are a lot like suspenders! Leggings + yoga pants are basically white high necked sweaters, which can be matched with yoga pants or sweaters with yoga pants.

Sweaters should be as high necked as possible, not too wide collars, and pay attention to relatively loose collars.

In fact, T-shirts can be divided into several types.

One is a shirt with yoga pants, the other is a T-shirt + high collar sweater, or a shirt with yoga pants.

These two types are either long or short.

They can be matched casually here.

T-shirts must have a larger collar, and the hem should not be too long, or they will appear too sloppy.

Both tops and shoes choose yoga pants with the length up to the ankle.

In fact, the length of yoga pants is more important, because if they are too short, our legs will appear very short.

Straight long yoga pants have long legs visually, so they can be matched with solid color short pants such as jeans…

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