Yoga “standing forward bending” can promote the blood circulation of waist and legs and soften your posture!

Add teacher wechat to watch the circle of friends of teachers ~ how much time do you spend hindering the blood circulation of your waist and legs? Wearing high-heeled shoes, driving and sitting for a long time…

If this situation continues for a long time, it is very easy to make the waist and abdomen fat accumulate and the legs become no longer slender.

You can practice standing forward flexion to stretch the tibia, tighten the muscles and improve blood circulation.

Standing forward flexion ▼ standing forward flexion, Sanskrit name Uttanasana and English name standingforwardbend, calm the brain, help relieve stress and mild depression, stimulate the liver and kidneys, and stretch the hamstrings, lower legs and hips, Strengthen thighs and knees, improve digestion, help alleviate climacteric symptoms, alleviate fatigue and anxiety, reduce headache and insomnia, and play an auxiliary role in the treatment of asthma, hypertension, hair loss and osteoporosis.

Movement guidance ▼ tips: when novices practice, the palms can be placed on the ground on both sides to reduce the difficulty.

The focus is to keep the legs extended and stretch.

This action is also applicable to the stretching recovery before and after other forms of sports (running and strength training), which effectively acts on the gastrocnemius muscle and maintains the slender line of the lower leg.

Common error demonstration ▼ points.

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