New Yoga Life

10 sets of Yoga sequences that must be practiced by yoga teachers. Beginners should lay a good foundation before practicing!

Stamp the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Recently, many yoga teachers have asked whether there is a yoga sequence suitable for yoga teachers’ advanced practice.

Of course, the answer is yes.

Compared with beginners, yoga teachers have a certain practice foundation.

The intensity, difficulty and frequency of practice are significantly different from those of beginners.

Well, according to the group characteristics of yoga teachers, Yufu will recommend to you today.

The 10 sequences shared by yogaselection on ins are especially suitable for advanced yoga teachers.

Beginners must lay a good foundation before practicing! ▌ 1.

Head handstand sequence ▌ 2.

Elbow handstand sequence ▌ 3.

Hand handstand sequence ▌ 4.

Wheel sequence for yoga teachers, it is inevitable that they need to teach students some difficult postures.

First of all, they need to practice regularly, otherwise the teaching will be impossible to start.

Among the above 1-4 sets of sequences, they are the most common asanas in yoga teaching.

Yoga teachers can practice or teach by themselves.

▌ 5.

Shoulder opening Yoga sequence ▌ 6.

Shoulder opening Yoga sequence on the chair ▌ 7.

Chest opening Yoga sequence ▌ 8.

Hip opening & split Yoga sequence.

Shoulder opening, hip opening, chest opening and split practice are the contents that yoga teachers who need continuous improvement need to practice regularly, so as to keep the body parts open.

▌ 9.

Yoga sequence of strengthening legs the content of strengthening legs is the foundation of yoga asana.

Yoga beginners generally begin to practice from the asana of strengthening legs, but for yoga teachers, this is the foundation.

Even if there is a certain practice foundation, the content of the foundation also needs to be practiced regularly.

▌ 10.

The last set of yoga practice sequence for strengthening the whole body has 32 asanas.

Because yoga teachers are different from beginners, they will practice more asanas and take longer time.

This sequence can help yoga teachers strengthen their physical qualities in flexibility, core, strength, balance and other aspects.

It is suitable for yoga teachers to practice every day.

You can’t go until you’ve read everything 👍。.

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