New Yoga Life

How many Chinese women have yoga ruined

(business cooperation qq:10066685 wechat: 17610555888) warm tips: 1 Before practicing yoga, you must understand more and pay attention to the precautions of yoga.

Don’t take it seriously.

2 If you want to practice, start with small actions, start with simple actions, and continue for a period of time to lay a good foundation.

3 Don’t care about the difficulty of the movement, the difficulty of the yoga position.

Do not practice too many postures according to your own situation.

Weight loss seems to have become an eternal topic for women after dinner.

Women can use “all means” to describe it in order to maintain a good figure.

Yoga should be one of the most popular.

Many stars also have the habit of practicing yoga.

Wang Ziwen (do not imitate it at will) But yoga is also one of the most misunderstood.

Now there are basically Yoga seats in gyms in the streets and alleys.

There are also a number of teachers with international Yoga certificates.

However, yoga has not been recognized internationally.

So where did those certificates come from? Where did yoga teachers’ majors get recognized? 01 Yoga “misunderstood” is a kind of sport.

In fact, it is not rigorous to say yoga is a kind of sport, It is more like a kind of practice.

Yoga originated in India.

It is said that Yoga first appeared in the love Sutra.

Ancient Indians believed that people’s desire was difficult to control and they had to have superb skills to tame it.

This method of subduing desire from “low self” to “high self” was called “Yoga”.

Moreover, in the important Hindu classic Bhagavad Gita, yoga is a major theme.

The book also mentions four forms of yoga.

Unfortunately, none of them is related to sports.

Although the movements of modern yoga have been improved, its essence cannot be changed.

Yoga to lose weight many people learn yoga to lose weight, but I’m sorry, yoga can’t achieve the effect you want.

There is no shortcut to lose weight.

It depends on eating less and exercising more.

Yoga can also consume very small calories.

Ordinary yoga can only consume about 200 calories in an hour, but you can burn more than that when you walk for an hour.

Some people say that now there is a project called high temperature yoga, which can basically consume 400-500 calories an hour.

Compared with ordinary yoga, high temperature yoga can consume more calories, but your coach will certainly tell you: do not eat and drink less water within 3 hours after practice, and try to eat vegetarian food at ordinary times So the essence is to eat less and exercise more.

Moreover, when you move in a high temperature environment of 38 ℃ -40 ℃, your body will certainly eliminate a lot of sweat.

You think it is the effect of fat burning, but you don’t know that it is just your body to maintain normal body functions.

Thousands of women injured by yoga yoga is actually hurting women all over the world.

Don’t think this is alarmist.

Now there is a disease called yoga disease.

The exerciser forced himself too hard when doing the movements, which hurt his back, waist, neck, etc.

Ligament strain, cartilage tear, joint inflammation and neuralgia are common “Yoga diseases”.

According to the latest data of the U.S.

Consumer Product Safety Commission, about 5500 cases of injury caused by yoga practice are received on average every year.

The New York Times reported that the number of injuries caused by improper yoga practice was not many, but there were reports that only 2 of the 10000 injured patients were counted! In other words, the actual number of injuries is 5000 times that! In this huge number of injured people, more than 85% are women.

There are many cases of Yoga coach injuries, most of which are due to constantly challenging the limits of their body.

The extreme pressure on the cervical vertebra, thoracic vertebrae and even lumbar vertebrae will lead to a series of problems, such as cervical vertebrae problems, excessive rigidity of the thoracic vertebrae, pelvic forward inclination, lumbar vertebrae injury, premature aging of bones, blindly pursuing stretching and twisting, muscle fibers becoming more and more loose, resulting in skin relaxation, and so on.

The Taipei Cathay Pacific hospital in Taiwan, China once invited dozens of yoga teachers who have taught Yoga for about 15 years for free X-ray examination.

The inspection report found that the skeleton of most senior yoga teachers is aging and deformed, more than 10 to 20 years older than their actual age.

An expert in the Department of joint surgery of the General Hospital of the Chinese people’s Liberation Army said in a micro blog: a girl in her twenties, who didn’t know what to do when practicing yoga, even stuck a small piece of cartilage and bone in her knee joint.

Yoga practitioners should all say the following: can you do any asanas? Can you put your head behind your head? How can you bend your body? Yoga is not a sport, acrobatics, competition, or dance.

If it is just to compare flexibility, it is still you who suffer in the end.

How many people have been harmed by unqualified Yoga? Although yoga can also lower blood pressure, stimulate the body to produce chemicals that can act as antidepressants, and even improve sexual life.

But the premise is that you are practicing the right yoga.

As said at the beginning, there are not a few people who “bluff” under the banner of experts.

We should recognize that not all those who can do a few difficult moves can be called experts! Sometimes those difficult movements will only become a stumbling block to health.

The effect of yoga on the body is the same as that on the state of mind.

It is a long, slow and cumulative process.

Therefore, there are many yoga crash classes outside now, so you really don’t have to go.

Adults’ ligaments and bone structures have been developed and mature, and then go to practice some (limb) soft movements, joints, especially spine joints! Excessive activity in a super physiological position, which exceeds the range of compression and extension of ligaments and bones, often causes injury.

This activity is called anti joint movement..

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