New Yoga Life

7 Yoga core actions that make your abdomen burst. If you want to wear a vest line, you must collect it!

Many Jia people say that once a woman is over 30 years old, the flesh in her abdomen is like a runaway Mustang, which can’t be stopped! Hard to reduce! In fact, women who lose fat and thin abdomen should improve their metabolism more and make a reasonable diet + exercise plan, which is useful! Today, we have prepared 7 variants of yoga postures, specifically for thin abdomen.

If your physical fitness is OK, it is suggested that this set of movements can be practiced 2-3 times, and you should pay attention to your diet at ordinary times, so as to achieve the purpose of thin abdomen! 01 action 1 enter from the inclined plank, pay attention to keep the core tight with breathing, bend the knees alternately and touch the elbows forward to maintain dynamic practice for 12-15 times 02 action 2 continue to maintain the inclined plank, exhale, bend the elbows downward to do four column inhalation to restore the inclined plank, exhale, slide the right leg to the outside, inhale and return, exhale to the other side, practice dynamically for 12 times 03 action 3 maintain the preparation position of the inclined plank, exhale and tighten the core, Hip up, feet slide up to the downward dog inhale, legs back to the inclined plank dynamic exercise 10-12 times, 04 action 4 maintain the inclined plank posture, tighten the core exhale, right leg to the outside of the right hand, inhale to restore exhalation exchange the other side, dynamic exercise 12-15 times, 05 action 5 reverse table preparation, exhale, tighten the core, hold the hip up, bend the right leg up, lift the inhaled hip to the ground, Practice 10-12 times on each side, 06 action 6, keep in the bridge preparation position, tighten and exhale the core, bend the knees of the right leg upward, tighten the gluteal muscles, and then stretch forward, pay attention to stretch the instep, inhale and fall back, practice 12-15 times on each side, 07 action 7, lie prone on the mat, stretch both hands forward, straighten the core, tighten the gluteal muscles, exhale, inhale and restore with both hands and legs off the ground, Dynamic exercises 12-15 times tips: after practicing the above actions, you can return to the baby rest to relax and adjust! Source: Qingjia, all graphic copyright belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please contact to delete…

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