Kayahada yoga pose 5: nindra kokkuasana

It is very important that when we are upright, the axial bone should be in a balanced position.

The correct alignment of the body is that the head, spine, pelvis and thighs are in balance.

When standing upright and bending forward, your feet should be parallel.

If the heels are close together and the toes are open, it will cause the thighs to rotate to both sides, which will prevent the forward bending depth and aggravate the imbalance of the whole body.

At the same time, please avoid locking your knees.

Press the heel and arch into the ground and feel the little toe touch the ground.

Pressing the ground evenly with your feet can prevent your knees from stretching too much.

It should be noted that: the forward bending action should be the forward bending of the hip socket.

Please avoid the forward bending of the waist, because the downward gravity stretching of the vertebrae will be caused by the forward bending of the waist, and the lumbar support is less.

The forward bending of the waist trying to touch the toes will compress the lower back intervertebral disc, and the upward and downward stretching will aggravate the lumbar problem, and even cause the intervertebral disc problem, and the gravity will accelerate the downward movement.

In this pose, it is particularly important to protect the intervertebral disc and lower back by balancing strength and flexibility and avoiding strain.

We can support posture by keeping abdominal muscles tight, pelvic floor raised, and smooth and deep breathing.

We can use back muscles, abdominal muscles, respiratory and pelvic diaphragms, and life energy to protect the spine.

Many people have tight hamstrings (behind the thighs) and buttocks, and tight connective tissue from the soles of the feet to the back of the thighs, along the spine to the bottom of the skull.

Proper forward bending can stretch the spinal cord, increase the flexibility of the spine, and help the nerves recover their vitality.

The whole back of the body, bones, muscles and ligaments, leg tendons, trunk and neck are stretched, thereby increasing blood circulation.

The sciatic nerve is stretched.

Contraction of the abdomen and gentle small range back and forth movement (clea stage) can stimulate blood circulation and reduce abdominal fat deposition.

This posture can enhance the functions of gonads, liver, spleen and kidneys, and provide benefits to people with depression or irritability, because this posture can relieve brain cells, and if it is maintained for about five minutes, it can bring calm.

The blood flow into the brain increases, and the blood circulation into the thyroid and parathyroid glands is improved.

If your heart rate slows down, your physical and mental vitality will be improved.

Keep your feet parallel and hip width apart.

Stretch your toes for better balance.

The legs are straight.

Tighten the muscles in the thighs, the back and front of the thighs.

Press down into the ground through the heel and sole of the foot, and the little toe touches the ground.

Contract the pelvic floor muscles, that is, the muscles tightened to hold back urine, and contract the abdominal muscles and lower abdomen.

As these muscles tighten, you will immediately feel the strength of your lower back, lengthen your spine, and increase your strength.

Keep these muscles tight as you breathe in and out.

Don’t tighten your abdominal muscles too much, so as not to hold your breath.

Please keep breathing smoothly.

Inhale deeply.

Stretch your arms over your head with your shoulder blades down.

Fully extend through arms and fingertips.

Press the heel and sole of the foot downward to tighten the inner thigh muscles, which will reverse the influence of gravity and let people experience the improvement of muscle energy.

Bend forward from the hip joint (hip), extend the arms outward, extend the spine, and the hips slightly backward.

Stop when your back is level with the ground.

Gravity will accelerate the movement, so please continue to press the ground and extend your arms.

Keep the pelvic floor muscles and navel center tight.

Imagine that you are directing breathing energy from the tailbone to the cervical spine through the spine for several breaths.

The head, neck and spine are in line.

deep breathing.

When you experience the support of breathing, continue to bend forward.

Completely relax the head and neck, cross fingers, turn the palm over, and gently move up and down to let the palm close to or touch the ground.

Many people have tight muscles, buttocks and connective tissue at the back of their thighs, which will limit forward bending.

You can promote muscle relaxation through gentle and small upward and downward movements, but please avoid large upward and downward rebound jumping movements.

Avoid forced stretching.

If you feel tension in your lower back, bend your knees.

Every little up and down of the clea stage makes you more relaxed.

The palm may or may not touch the ground.

This is the “Kiah stage” of asana, which is a gentle repetitive or pulse movement, without strength or tension.

These micro range exercises can massage the internal organs, reduce abdominal adipose tissue, release tension and deepen stretching.

Asana requires a balance of strength and flexibility.

To maintain this balance, continue to squeeze the pelvic diaphragm and contract the abdominal muscles to keep breathing smooth and deep, whether inhaling or exhaling.

Use UGA to breathe.

This can increase the strength of back muscles, provide support, and promote the relaxation of tight muscles.

Stop the movement.

Bend your knees sharply so that your upper body can cling to your thighs and grasp your ankles or the back of your legs.

Breathe and start trying to get into stretch.

Massage the back of the knee to help release stretch reflex.

Massage the rear thigh and calf muscles.

Press your heels into the ground, gently lift your hips, and then slowly start straightening your legs to keep them as comfortable as possible.

When straightening your legs, always keep your upper body close to your thighs.

If your chest leaves your thighs, bend your knees again so that your upper body is close to your thighs.

Explore stretching through breathing.

Relax your mind.

Focus on the genital chakra of the sacrum.

Pay attention to where there is tension in the body.

Consciously guide the inhalation into any tension point, and imagine releasing tension with the exhalation.

Consciously inject pure strength and vitality into each breath, and release tension each time you exhale.

Prolonged inspiratory time will increase strength.

Prolonged exhalation will relieve pressure.

Keep UGA breathing, because this will help maintain awareness of feelings and let people go deeper into asana.

The feeling during stretching may change at any time.

The outside of the body is tight, but inside, you may experience fluidity, a sense of movement, because life can flow freely through the energy channel..

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