New Yoga Life

The cheapest longevity method, adhere to these six yoga moves all year round, and collect them quickly!

It’s important to check Yoga knowledge every day.

The practice of yoga postures is important, but it’s more important to maintain the correct posture in daily life.

Asana is an instantaneous posture, and Asana is a solidified posture.

The most important thing is to maintain the state of Yoga while sitting and walking.

Human life is carried out in continuous exercise.

If you don’t exercise for a long time, your immunity will decline and your body will become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, if you want to be healthy, you must exercise and stop it before the potential health hazards are magnified.

Today, yogi Xiaobian will introduce you to six yoga moves.

As long as you keep practicing all year round, it is your cheapest longevity method! As the saying goes, “the bones are firm and the tendons are soft, and the blood flows naturally”.

Stretching tendons can open stiff and locked joints and body parts, promote blood circulation, and make the body comfortable, refreshing and healthier.

Qi and blood are not circulating, and the body is heavy and uncomfortable, which is easy to breed diseases.

Therefore, the ancient saying “stretch your tendons by an inch, prolong your life by 10 years” is reasonable.

One word horse can deeply open the hip joint and surrounding muscle tissue, effectively stretch and stimulate the kidney, liver, lung and spleen meridians, help open the blood circulation of the whole body, and is good for men, women, young and old.

02 locust locust has a good effect on the treatment of various abdominal diseases.

In this pose, it will squeeze and stimulate the abdomen, so it can promote the blood circulation between abdominal organs and regulate a variety of visceral and gastrointestinal diseases.

At the same time, it can also flex the spine, and has a strong and nourishing effect on upper limb muscles and joint tissues.

Among modern people, the incidence rate of lumbar disc herniation is getting higher and higher.

Light people have more than lumbago, heavy people have limited movement, and it is difficult to stay in bed.

Treatment is also quite troublesome.

Regular practice of this posture can prevent lumbar disc herniation and provide a long-term health guarantee for the waist! 03 flat support flat support is the most popular non instrument exercise in recent years.

Many people take flat support as a compulsory course for daily exercise.

It can exercise the core muscle group and improve the balance ability of the body.

However, the most powerful thing about it is that it can exercise all muscle groups of the body, mainly the waist and abdomen.

Studies have found that men who are good at flat support have stronger sexual ability.

While women’s practice can shape the waist and abdomen lines of the whole body, shrink the abdomen and thin the waist, and create a sexy curve.

Experts remind that the action of flat support must be standardized, otherwise it may cause cervical or lumbar injury.

To do flat support, we must do it according to our ability and step by step.

It can be divided into 4 ~ 6 groups to practice every day, with 20 ~ 30 seconds for each group and 20 seconds of rest in the middle.

04 boat style boat style can strengthen abdominal muscles and eliminate abdominal fat.

It can also strengthen the gluteal flexor and spine, stimulate the kidney, thyroid, prostate and gastrointestinal tract, and strengthen the visceral function.

Intuitively speaking, its advantage is to promote intestinal peristalsis, adjust digestive function, improve abdominal flatulence, and enhance kidney function.

05 butterfly or beam angle modern people sit most of the time, and the impurities in their blood slowly deposit into their pelvis.

The pelvis is like a “drawer” of body garbage.

Our excretory system and reproductive system are in this area, and it is not easy to exercise here.

Over time, Qi and blood are blocked, and channels are blocked.

This area will breed all kinds of bacteria and cause inflammation.

Therefore, let the flowing energy enter the pelvis and clean up the “sanitary dead corner”, which plays a very important role in our health.

“Butterfly style” promotes the blood circulation of the pelvis through the movement of the legs, opens the meridians on the legs, and makes the blood and Qi clear the dead corners of the body like a “broom”.

It can not only eliminate inflammation, but also increase the blood supply of pelvis and abdominal cavity, so that the internal organs can be supplied with blood, nourish bladder, kidney and other organs, and improve human vitality.

This vitality is reflected in the face, which is ruddy, white, spotless and delicate.

Often practicing this posture can also regulate urinary function and relieve sciatica.

It is very suitable for friends who often sit in the office.

In addition, this posture has a good maintenance effect on men’s prostate.

06 phantom chair or squat many people begin to hurt their knees as they grow older, especially those who have been injured.

When it rains on overcast days, it hurts faintly, but there is no good way to treat it.

The magic chair or squat against the wall is the best posture to strengthen the knee.

It has a good rehabilitation effect on the maintenance of the knee joint and the injury of the muscles and ligaments around the knee joint.

Phantom chair or squat is applicable to: 1.

Chronic pain in front of the knee joint; 2.

Pain in front of knee joint after going up and down steps, squatting and sitting for a long time; 3.

Rehabilitation after knee sprain; 4.

Postoperative rehabilitation of knee joint; 5.

Chronic instability of knee joint (knee joint is prone to repeated sprain); 6.

Exercise for patients who recover from thigh muscle injury.

Living in the fast pace of modern times, countless people have to bear great pressure.

If you know how to buffer yourself through simple exercise, then the emotions of distress, sadness and irritability will dissipate, and the above six actions are a good way to practice simply and easily.

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