New Yoga Life

The flexible spine is not only cat and cow style, but also these 7 yoga moves are very useful!

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When practicing yoga and lifting the flexible spine, perhaps the first thing that people think of is the cat and cow pose, indeed! Cat cow pose is very useful for flexible spine, but today Xiaobian will share several other yoga moves for flexible spine! These 7 flexible spine yoga movements are super suitable for practicing in the morning.

They are all-round flexible spine.

If the spine is healthy, people will be healthy.

We must collect them Action 1-2 Support the ground with both hands and knees, enter quadruped support to cooperate with breathing, and rotate the spine clockwise for 20 circles After that, make 20 rounds of anticlockwise movement, and pay attention to starting the core and tightening the ribs during practice Action 3 from the previous action, enter the big cat stretching exhalation, tighten the core, including the chest bow and back column, pulse forward section by section, inhale, rotate the pelvis forward, sit back on the heels, repeat action 4 for 10-15 times, put both hands on the ground, kneel on both knees, enter the quadruped support and inhale, bend the elbow of the right hand on the back of the head, exhale, tighten the core, twist the chest upward, straighten the right hand upward, inhale, and return to alternating left and right, Repeat the exercise 10-15 times Action 5: keep the basis of the previous action, inhale with the left leg stretched horizontally, exhale with the right hand through the left armpit, tighten the core, inhale with the left hand stretched upward, restore, repeat for 10-15 times, and then switch sides.

Action 6: exit from the previous action, enter the squatting double hip outward rotation, inhale with the knees and toes slightly outward, exhale with the right hand, tighten the core chest, twist upward, open the right hand to the rear, inhale, restore, Repeat the side change action 7 after 10-15.

Prepare as soldier 2, bend your right leg to inhale, bend your elbows and shoulders to maintain horizontal exhalation, tighten the core, twist your body to the left to inhale, point your left hand to the ground, and twist your body to the right to repeat the exercise for 10-15 times.

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