New Yoga Life

Yoga flows, and the dog’s feet can’t step between his hands? You should practice these six movements often!

We often practice yoga, from downward dog style flow to high lunge or horse riding series, step between feet and hands, and make a smooth transition.

The whole flow is done at one go, which is really super comfortable.

However, for many beginners Jia Ren, this transition is often difficult, which not only makes the whole flow stuck and disconnected, but also makes people feel very embarrassed.

Others have flowed, and they are still there.

Therefore, today I share six actions for you.

Practice often, get this transition action, which is not difficult.

Let’s try it together: action 1: four legged kneeling position, The arms and thighs are vertically padded, the hands and legs are separated and exhale with the same width as the hips, the shoulders are relaxed, the chest is sunk and exhaled downward, the hands are pushed on the ground, the chest is arched backward to the position of the upper back thoracic vertebra to the maximum, and the practice is repeated for 15-20 times.

Action 2: oblique plank, keep the body exhaling steadily, retract the position of the core back thoracic vertebra, and the whole back is C-shaped.

Feel the whole body lift up from the position of the back thoracic vertebra, inhale, and restore, Repeat action 3 for 15-20 times: downward dog pose, exhale the right leg backward and upward, lift the right leg upward from the thoracic vertebra position, inhale near the outside of the right arm, restore the downward dog exhale on one leg, lift the right knee upward from the thoracic vertebra position again, inhale near the inside of the left arm, restore, repeat 10-15 groups, change the other side action 4: start downward dog pose with the help of yoga bricks, exhale with both hands on the yoga bricks, lift the right leg backward and upward, Lift the knee up from the position of the thoracic vertebra to find the chest, lift the body as high as possible and place the right foot between the hands, repeat the exercise for 10-15 groups, change the other side to find the feeling of completing this transitional posture.

5-6: take off the Yoga brick, start exhaling in the dog pose with one leg, lift the right knee up from the position of the thoracic vertebra to the chest, exhale again, lift the back up again, and repeat the exercise for 10-15 groups with the knee close to the chest, On the other side, push the center of gravity of the whole body forward on the basis of action 5, and the foot falls between the hands.

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