New Yoga Life

Yoga and Vedic Astrology: sister science of spiritual healing (Introduction)

Introduction Vedic astrology is a serious science.

If you have doubts about this statement, you will know after reading the content of the first chapter; If you really believe this statement, but don’t know the reason, please also read Chapter 1.

Vedic astrology is based on the same principles as yoga, Ayurveda and other Vedic Sciences, which assert that the reason for metagenesis is to understand that life is not just a physical and mental phenomenon.

The soul is infinite, not limited by time and space.

Human suffering is a function of the finite self that wrongly imposes itself on the deeper infinite self.

We struggle for freedom and our own strength.

Just as nightmares wake us up from our sleep, the hardships of life are also a kind of wake-up, forcing us to find deeper meaning.

Among the three major Vedic Sciences, Vedic astrology may be the most easily misunderstood by people, especially many Westerners believe that astrology is superstitious or stupid.

This is understandable because most Americans are exposed to astrology through astrology software or other media.

So when astrologers start talking about “science”, it’s not surprising that most people don’t believe it.

Aside from these feelings, when we look up at the night sky, we have been moved by the mysterious, terrible but familiar universe.

From our location, we can see the Orion Nebula, which is considered to be the birthplace of the sun, or the Pleiades cluster, which is hatching and forming, and many other celestial bodies.

The starry sky makes people feel humble.

But we don’t need to look into the sky to get inspiration, because some of the most beautiful celestial bodies are close at hand.

Venus is like a diamond in the night sky.

When it rises in front of the sun, it shines like a “Morning Star”; Jupiter is equally radiant and breathtaking; And the lovely moon.

We are blessed by our own solar system, and we are also impressed by its rhythm and daily magic.

However, in addition to providing us with a thrilling light show, the movement of planets and stars also has an impact on people.

In fact, the first thing humans learn is to pay attention to the sky.

Many of mankind’s oldest paintings, cave murals and works belong to some kind of astrological record.

Astrology is the first science.

It is the cycle of the moon that allowed our ancestors to find the best time to plant crops and keep pace with the pace of life on earth.

Soon, by studying the law of planetary motion and our relationship with it, we can understand the auspicious moment of each event and the deeper dynamics of the universe behind it.

In fact, just like the earth, about 75% of our body is also water.

We are refined into conscious, conscious and miraculous stars.

We are the children of stars.

Most people in modern society live in cities.

Because they are not immersed in nature every day, it is easy to forget that they are living on a planet that rotates once a day, and it also rotates around a large sphere in the center of a larger galaxy.

How long will it take us to stop and remember that at sunrise or sunset, the sun is not moving, but the earth is rotating? We must be careful, because living in such an unnatural environment, we may ignore the real things.

A “day” is not just an arbitrary setting based on the time of work and sleep, but the time required for our planet to rotate around its axis once.

A month is the same: it is 30 days after the moon changes from new to round, and then returns to the new moon; One year is the time required for the earth to complete its annual orbit around the sun.

These times are not just cycles of celestial bodies; The same is true for humans.

Our bodies, like the earth, operate on a 24-hour cycle.

In the morning, the earth turns to the sun, which provides life giving energy to all creatures that receive its light and heat.

At night, when the earth falls into shadow, the world is led by the moon, and people’s minds and bodies prepare for the rest of the night.

Our blood flow, circadian rhythm and natural biological clock are timed accordingly.

Whether we remember it or not, our brains wake up in the light and fall asleep when the darkness falls.

The earth’s cycle, such as the rise and fall of tides, the menstrual cycle of women and the mating habits of animals, are all determined by the lunar orbit of the moon.

Few people will question these statements because they have been confirmed by logical and observable events, but people forget this most of the time in life.

Westerners like “logical and observable events”.

When it comes to planets and their influences, and astrology as a science of divination and prediction can have a deeper understanding of people’s psychology, most people are skeptical.

Most people find it difficult to accept that astrology includes not only secular issues such as seasons and earth cycles, but also a deep understanding of the energetics behind creation.

The arrogance of modern people tends to ignore the wisdom of ancient civilization, which implies subtle truth, but lacks modern technology.

We should not mistake the advancement of technology for the advanced understanding of the world, or even the understanding of technology itself.

Just because I can turn on my computer or drive a car doesn’t mean I understand how they work.

If the Buddha appeared today, he would not know how to operate mobile phones or spreadsheet programs, but this does not mean that I am smarter than the Buddha or better able to understand the world or myself.

Similarly, early Indians were not backward, ignorant, and afraid of provoking gods (or other popular stereotypes) because they did not invent the microwave oven.

Their mysterious knowledge and knowledge to help mankind awaken are not available in our culture today.

Astrology is an example.

Recovering this lost spiritual wealth is the core of our survival as a species.

Astrology is an example of our deep connection with truth, which has restored our spiritual foundation to a great extent..

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