New Yoga Life

Don’t have time to go to a yoga studio? The attached set can also be used for full body dynamic exercise at home!

Follow us with the blue words on it! Envy others’ sexy hips, slender waistlines, flat abs, bony backs, and long legs of one meter and eight meters? In fact, you can also live up to the envy of others.

Someone said that he was too busy to go to a yoga studio.

Xiao He broke his heart because of this.

He specially found out that you don’t need any fitness equipment at home.

He can use the things at home to practice movements anytime and anywhere.

After practice, he feels very sore from head to foot! Kitchen ▽ Elbow and knee flexion effect: strengthen the strength of both arms and shoulders, eliminate the distance between the feet of the worship sleeve and the stool by about one step, and grasp the edge of the stool with the fingers down.

Both feet are the same width as the hips.

Bend the elbows and hips to sink and straighten the arms, and lift the hips to squat up and down.

Effect: strengthen the strength of the core, hips and thighs, tighten the thigh muscles.

The legs are about one leg long apart, and the toes are outward while squatting, Spine stretches knees, calves and heels in a straight line sitting room ▽ Curl knees and squat down with the help of a cushion stool Effect: This action can strengthen the strength of the lower limbs through balance and stability, help the thin legs stand in front of the cushion stool, tighten the core with feet shoulder width, relax the shoulders, lift the chest and put the right foot back on the soft stool, and at the same time, bend the knees and the left thigh as parallel to the ground as possible to stand up with the strength of the left leg, The effect of doing the right side step climbing: strengthen leg strength and tighten hip muscles.

Step on the stool with your right foot, with the palms of your hands pointing to the toes of your left leg, bend your right knee and straighten your right leg, lift your left leg off the ground and stand on the stool to do the opposite side push up+jump forward+lift efficiency: thin your arms, strengthen your core strength, support the stool with your hands, and do the push up with your toes pointing to the ground.

At the same time, lift the stool over your head to place the stool, and back your legs.

Repeat the toilet article ▽ Tip toe heel to make full use of tooth brushing time, Close the abdomen and then slowly fall down, strengthen the strength at the back of the lower leg, and try to improve the beauty of the thin leg.

Push up.

Use the washstand, with hands wider than shoulder width and heels off the ground to inhale and bend the elbows downward.

Activate the core to exhale and push to the standing posture bedroom.

▽ Core exercise: Lie on the bed, bend the knees, grasp the pillow head with both hands to inhale, raise your arms up, sit up and exhale, and lie back in a controlled way.

Bridge effect: helps tighten the hips and thighs, Strengthen the core, lie on your back and bend your knees, put your hands on your side, put your palms down, shoulders away from your ears, inhale and lift your hips up, try to let your spine leave the bed section by section, exhale, and slowly drop your back back to the bed to practice a good figure.

From now on, live up to the time and become yourself! Let’s go after we’ve seen everything 👍。.

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