New Yoga Life

Dyspepsia, flatulence? Just practice this yoga!

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Improper diet may lead to flatulence, indigestion, and even sleep.

Today, I recommend a simple set of repair yoga to help promote digestion.

A set of yoga exercises to promote digestion ↓↓↓ 1.

Bridge type variant supine, with bricks placed under the sacrum, feet open to both sides, shoulders behind the head on the ground, hands extended to the top of the head for 3 minutes 2.

Happy baby type supine, knees bent, knees open to grasp the outside of the feet, knees looking for the ground to keep the shoulders and head relaxed for 3 minutes 3.

Lower lunge twist the left foot to step on the ground, right knee to the ground and twist to the left, Hold the right small arm against the outside of the left thigh and the left hand to the outside of the right thigh for 1 minute.

Switch sides.


Separate the baby’s knees, touch the hips, sit with the heels on the forehead, and keep the hands on both sides of the hips for 3 minutes, Put your hands on your abdomen, put your legs up and close together on the vertical ground, and stretch the instep alternately for 3 minutes.


The serpentine variant lies prone, open your legs, stretch the instep, put your hands on the ground, align your shoulders, and close your eyes with your fingers facing back.

Keep it for 1 minute.


Lie on your back, twist your legs, twist your legs, and land your eagle legs on the ground with your right hand pressing your knees to the right, and land your left shoulder on the ground.

Close your eyes for 3 minutes.

Friends who often feel poor digestion and stomach distension suggest practicing every day.

In the morning Exercise on an empty stomach in the afternoon or before going to bed.

Yoga video number ▼ Good article ▼ in the near future.

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