New Yoga Life

Yoga back bending is not good, it is the habit of leaning your pelvis forward! (Exercise adjustment attached)

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Today we are going to talk about the reasons why backbending can’t be done and how to adjust yoga.

(I) The reason why backbending can’t be done well is that the pelvis leans forward and bends backward are two opposite movements.

Forward bending requires turning the pelvis forward, and backward bending requires turning the pelvis backward.

When the pelvis is turned back, more extension of the lumbar spine can be found.

Turning the pelvis backward To turn the pelvis backward, you need to turn the pelvis more: to avoid low back pain, you need to start the abdominal muscles and turn the pelvis backward: when bending backward, you need to turn the pelvis backward to avoid low back pain.

However, if the body itself has the condition of the pelvis leaning forward, the hip flexors (psoas major, tensor fascia lata, iliopsoas, quadriceps femoris) are tense, which makes it impossible to turn the pelvis backward when bending backward; The back muscles (erector spinalis, quadratus lumbaris, latissimus dorsi) are tense, which makes the spine unable to stretch.

Left: pelvis neutral Right: the pelvis leans forward and the hip muscles are weak, unable to pull the pelvis backward; Abdominal muscles are weak and unable to protect the lumbar spine in backbending, resulting in low back pain in backbending.

(2) How do I self detect if I have a forward pelvis? Stand naturally, with your back facing strongly, and check the gap between your waist and the wall.


Generally speaking, if the gap is too large (greater than the width of 2-3 fingers), it means that the pelvis leans forward b If the gap is normal (about the width of 2 fingers), how is the pelvis neutral (III)? Incorrect sitting posture: when sitting, you are used to turning the pelvis forward, and the angle between the spine and thigh bone is less than 90 °.

Incorrect standing posture: the knee buckle will cause the thigh to turn inward, which will cause the pelvis to turn forward and turn forward.

Secondly, overweight or pregnancy will also cause the pelvis to tilt forward.

(IV) How to adjust the pelvis to tilt forward? To make the body lean back from the pelvis to the neutral state, it is necessary to loosen the overly tense muscles and strengthen the weak muscles.

How to adjust? Muscle stretching ↓↓↓ 1.

Knee down and lunge to stretch the hip flexor to step on the ground with the left foot and the right knee on the ground.

Hold the hip forward and downward with both hands holding the hip and exhaling.

Keep the hips forward and down for 1 minute.

Switch sides.


Baby stretch the latissimus dorsi to kneel on the ground with the hips sitting on the heels and the hands extending forward and the forehead touching the ground for 1 minute.


Cat stretch stretch the spine erector to align the knees with the hips, and align the hands with the shoulders and exhaling and bow the back, Inhale and stretch the spine upward for 10 times.


The Warrior’s Two Moves strengthen the leg muscles, open the hips, stretch the right knee of the tensor fascia lata, align the ankle, push back the front of the left thigh, open the hips, and extend the hands to hold the side flat for 10 times to keep breathing, and change sides.


Knee hugging stretches the waist muscles to lie on the back, and holds the knees close to the chest to keep the sacrum, waist, back, shoulders Keep the back of the head on the ground for 1 minute to strengthen the muscles ↓↓↓ 1.

Support the elbow plate to strengthen the abdominal and hip muscles, clasp your hands, straighten your legs, step on the floor and tuck your belly in, and keep your body in a straight line for 1 minute 2.

Hip bridge style to strengthen the hip and thigh muscles to lie on your back, bend your knees and step on the floor, lift your hips up, and keep breathing for 10 times and repeating for 10 times 3.

Deep squatting to strengthen the hip The muscles at the front and back of the thigh and around them are slightly wider than the hips.

The hands are stretched forward and squat slowly.

The thighs are parallel to the ground.

Keep breathing for 5 times, and inhale to get up and repeat for 10 times, Repeat 10 times on the other side to keep your waist close to the ground 5.

The four legged bench type variant strengthens the stability of the core and upper body to the four legged bench type, and then the left hand goes forward, and the right leg extends backward to keep your hips and back stable and upright for 5 breaths.

Repeat the yoga pose 5 times on the other side to understand your body.

When you can’t do a good posture, you should ask yourself why you can’t do it and what is the imbalance.

Because everyone has their own body habits and sports patterns before practicing yoga postures, which will lead to imbalance of body muscles.

Practicing yoga postures is to break their old patterns and return the body to a state of balance and harmony.

Students who can’t do well in backward bending, try the simple self-test above.

Do you have the problem of pelvis tilting forward? Spicy detailed method, remember to practice and leave a message~- Leave a message with a prize – Today’s topic: practice more, it’s better to practice correctly.

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Before 12:00 on October 27, we will select the most lucky Jiayou from the selected messages and send it to the Pilates Core Bed Coaching Course below for review.

Yoga video number ▼ Good article ▼ in the near future.

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