10 classic yoga movements make your waist have a vest and chest like a papaya!

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We love breasts every day, but we don’t take them seriously.

We just feel embarrassed.

But the reason why we are called “mammals” is precisely because the breast defines us.

Breasts are the harbingers of our health changes, more important than what we think we know.

Traditional Chinese medicine has long recognized breast diseases.

The “seven emotions”, that is, “joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, shock” and other mental disorders, can lead to abnormal blood circulation and dysfunction of viscera.

Anger leads to qi, while worry leads to qi stagnation, which can lead to accumulation of qi stagnation and blood stasis; Fear leads to anger, and fear leads to chaos…

and the discomfort of the liver will even affect the breast.

Breast disease can reduce the immune function of women, change their emotions, be grumpy, be prone to anxiety, lack self-confidence, and even depression.

Family life will also be affected.

With the aggravation of the disease, it may also develop into breast AI, which seriously threatens life safety.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Survey of Women’s Breast Diseases: “Every year, 2 million women worldwide suffer from breast diseases, of which 500000 die of breast AI.” According to incomplete statistics, about 50% of women in China suffer from breast diseases of different degrees, of which about 200000 women suffer from breast AI every year, and more than 40000 women die.

Its mortality rate increased rapidly by 3% per year, becoming the fastest growing ai disease in china in recent 10 years.

In order to ensure breast health, women must learn to self check regularly.

Regular self inspection should become the lifestyle of modern women: ① stand upright in front of the mirror, expose the upper body, and naturally droop the arms.

Compare whether the size and shape of the breasts on both sides are the same, whether the nipples on both sides are at the same level, whether there are any invaginations and exudates of the nipples, and whether the skin of the nipples and areola is changed.

② Raise your arms above your head or cross your hands behind your neck to see if your breast skin is sunken and shrunk, and if your breasts and nipples move at the same time.

③ The five fingers of the right hand are close together, in the spiral direction, from the upper inner side of the left breast to the nipple direction, and carefully touch the breast for any hard lump.

Then check the right breast with your left hand.

It should be noted that the breast tissue can not be grasped by hand when touching, otherwise it is easy to treat the breast tissue as a tumor.

Note: ① In case of breast lesions, there may be depression, retraction and bulge; ② When squeezing the breast, the nipple may overflow with bleeding liquid or brown, dark red or light yellow liquid; ③ The epidermis of the nipple and areola may have scaling, flushing and erosion, and the size of the breasts on both sides may be different; ④ Local pain often occurs when pressing.

⑤ Finally, the opposite finger was used to check the axillary and supraclavicular lymph nodes to see if there was lymph node enlargement.

If any abnormality is found, you should go to the hospital for inspection and treatment in a timely manner, and never take it lightly.

In addition to regular self inspection, yoga is also used to assist yoga practice in daily life.

Yoga posture can not only lift the thymus and make the breast more sexy, but also massage the viscera to dredge the liver qi and make the breast healthier.

01 Heroic Forward Bend AdhoMukhaVirasana Duration: 30-60 seconds Efficacy: ① Keep your mind calm; ② Reduce discomfort of shoulders, upper back, neck and breast; ③ Let the arm and breast blood circulation more smooth; ④ Reduce physical and mental fatigue, etc.

02 Duration of downward dog style AdhoMukhaSvanasana: keep for 30-60 seconds Efficacy: ① reduce breast swelling and pain before menstruation, and relieve breast tenderness; ② Reduce scar tissue of breast and armpit, stimulate lymph nodes on breast and armpit; ③ Repair physical and mental energy, etc.

03 | Duration of strengthening forward bending and stretching Uttanasana: keep 30-60 seconds to practice: ① hollow back, ② drop hands on yoga bricks, ③ head down effect: ① stimulate blood to flow back to the breast; ② It can relieve back pain and stiffness of spine, neck and shoulder.

04 | Upward arm Urdhva Hastasana Duration: 10-20 seconds Efficacy: strengthen breast tissue, reduce breast swelling and pain before menstruation, reduce breast tenderness, etc.

05 | Duration of triangular stretching Uthita Trikonasana: keep 20-30 seconds on each side Efficacy: ① promote blood circulation around the breast and expand the chest; ② Improve the function of reproductive organs and digestive organs; ③ Enhance physical strength, improve physical endurance, etc.

06 Side angle stretching Utthita Parsvakonasana Duration: 20 to 30 seconds on each side Efficacy: ① strengthen breast and armpit tissues, promote lymphatic circulation of breast and armpit; ② Expanding the chest and chest; ③ Improve the function of reproductive and digestive organs.

07 Half moon ArdhaChandrasana Duration: 20 to 30 seconds on each side Efficacy: ① Promote breast blood circulation, eliminate breast discomfort and pain, and firm the chest; ② Reduce anxiety and depression; ③ When practicing against the wall, fatigue can be eliminated.

08 | Bridge style shoulder handstand ChatucePadasana Duration: Repeat 3 times for 20-30 seconds each time Efficacy: ① Transfer energy to the chest, lungs and breasts; ② Strengthen the back muscles and spinal flexibility; ③ Enhance self-confidence, willpower and emotional stability; ④ Restore the nerve vitality, etc.

09 | Support shoulder handstand Salamba Sarvangasana Duration: Keep for 3-5 minutes Efficacy: ① Enhance emotional stability and keep calm, keep endocrine and lymphatic system healthy; ② Help eliminate body toxins and improve immunity; ③ It can slow down the deterioration of the breast similar to fibrocystic disease, relieve tension, and control the development of breast problems..

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