19 common questions in yoga practice, come and have a look!

There can be a lot of “things” happening in a yoga class – concentration, breathing, back bending, twisting, or handstand, which requires full participation of the body and mind.

Students should pay attention to the following 19 common problems in yoga classes.

Don’t rush to solve them all at once.

Write down these details, and then constantly improve your practice.


Be late in class and give yourself enough time to prepare for the class, which can make you have a calm and relaxed state of mind.

It is best to enter the classroom 5-15 minutes in advance, and you can also get familiar with the students around you.

If you are late by accident, it is better to wait until the opening chanting or meditation is over before entering the classroom.

Don’t bring too many things, choose a place near the door, and quietly open the yoga mat.


Rush to class and prepare enough time for yourself to go to class.

If you are in a hurry, it is easy to forget some things you need, and it is difficult to experience peace in class.


When you wear inappropriate clothes to practice upflow yoga or Astonga, you can choose a little tight with support.

During hot yoga classes, you need cloth to absorb sweat and remove moisture.

Light courses, loose clothes are better.

If you are not sure what kind of yoga clothes to wear to class, ask the front desk.


There is a very important doctrine in yoga practice in the classroom, “sauca”, which means clean and clean.

Not only should you pay attention to personal hygiene, but using too strong perfume and leaving a bad smell will affect your practice with surrounding students.


Unclean yoga mat The yoga mat needs to be cleaned regularly to keep it odor free and normal in use.

Especially when it is used in yoga classes with a lot of sweat, such as hot yoga, the yoga mat will always start to smell, and it is not safe, because after a long time of use and no scrubbing, it will become no longer antiskid, which will cause you to lose balance and slip on the mat.


Refusing to use assistive devices.

It is easy to regard the use of yoga bricks, yoga belts, blankets or pillows as signs of weakness.

In fact, these assistive devices will deepen your practice.

Put one or two kinds of assistive devices beside the yoga mat, so that you can have a full preparation before class.

Many teachers have added assistive devices to their classes.

If you find some assistive devices around the teacher when you enter the classroom, you should also take the same assistive devices.


Use a yoga mat with poor functionality.

A yoga mat with poor functionality may cause you to slip during practice, or one corner may be crowded together, or you may not be able to stay steady.

The yoga mat with these problems will definitely distract you.

It can not let you practice a complete pose, and it may cause pain.

Choose a good yoga mat.

Try to choose a non slip yoga mat that can protect your knees and wrists and will not be affected by sweat.


It is very uncomfortable to have too much food and liquid in your stomach when you come to class with a full stomach, which will hinder your practice and prevent you from doing some postures.

But it’s not good to come to class hungry.

Just have a snack 1-2 hours before class.


Bring your mobile phone into the classroom.

Don’t bring your mobile phone into the classroom.

Even silence/vibration will distract you and the people around you.


Hold your breath during practice.

Many postures have a certain breath count.

Don’t hold your breath in order to keep up with the teacher’s rhythm.

When necessary, increase the number of breaths and allow yourself to breathe easily and completely at any time.

If you find yourself panting and breathing with your mouth, please slow down and adjust your breathing first.


Comparing with others will not only distract you from the practice, but may also hurt yourself because of your strength.

If you find yourself beginning to have such comparative thinking, remind yourself that everyone’s body is different from birth, and we are all on our own yoga path.


Let your eyes drift to and fro to the “Dristhi” staring point, which is a yoga practice method of continuous “focused eyes”.

If you find yourself “scanning” the whole classroom with your eyes from time to time, you are “feeding” your mind with lax attention.

Try to keep your eyes focused.

This will help you stay in the present moment and have a sense of balance and focus.


Too perfectionist.

Yoga is balance.

If you try too hard to perfect yourself in asana, then it is the ego who is doing something wrong and is easy to get hurt.

On the contrary, it can bring a little progress to physical and mental practice without making any effort.

Try to achieve alignment and balance in each pose, then bring attention to breathing, and then maintain the current state.


Don’t ask for help If you feel difficult or struggling in asana, ask the teacher for help or a simple variant of asana.

If the teacher says some password that makes you confused or unclear, you can ask the teacher to explain again after class.


The saying “no pain, no gain” does not apply to yoga.

The “harvest” in yoga practice comes very slowly.

Don’t force yourself to enter the complete version of the difficult asana before you are ready.


When you do not use the abdominal core or bandaging method to practice postures, you can start the core muscle group and protect the waist by pulling the belly button inward and close to the waist.

After this movement is stable and comfortable, try to lock your heel lock and abdomen lock.


Forgetting to practice smiling yoga can be challenging and requires enough attention, but taking yourself too seriously is counterproductive.

Being too serious and serious will cause unnecessary tension, stiffness and depression, which will drag you from the peaceful practice.

Try your best, but also allow yourself to laugh when making mistakes and in imperfect practice..

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