New Yoga Life

Practice these 9 yoga poses frequently, and you will become a healthy beauty in cold winter!

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Winter is the season of high incidence of many diseases, especially flu.

We need to improve our resistance, enhance our body’s ability to adapt to the cold, and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Xiao Bian shares a set of twisting+balancing sequences, which can stimulate glands, adjust endocrine, and increase the heat production capacity of the body, so that you can spend the cold winter healthily.


Stand in Mountain Pose with arms raised, legs separated and hip width crossed, arms raised above the head and inhaled, palms and heels pushed up, heels exhaled on tiptoe, shoulders relaxed, ribs recovered and maintained 5-8 breaths 2.

Stand in Mountain Pose with legs slightly open and inhaled, extended spine exhaled, hips folded and bent forward, head and neck soft and relaxed and maintained 5-8 breaths 3 Twist your feet and exhale a long distance apart, bend forward until your body is parallel to the ground and your left hand stays on your hips in the middle line of your body.

Turn your chest and belly button to the right and point your right arm up to the sky to keep 5-8 breaths.

Change the other side, Point to the sky and keep 5-8 breaths.

Change the other side.


The downward dog moves into the downward dog posture and presses the neck hard to relax.

The back stretches the front of the thigh back, and the heel steps down to keep 5-8 breaths, Bend the right knee, step on the ground and straighten the left leg forward, turn the toe back to extend the spine, twist the right arm to the left to bypass the right knee, cross the hands behind the body to keep 5-8 breaths, and change the other side, The upper part of the body lies on the pillow with folded blankets under the head to cover the eyes, and the hands naturally hang down on both sides to breathe slowly.

After a 5-minute rest, a set of body balance and twisting sequences are performed.

The muscles are balanced and the body and mind will be fully relaxed.

The mood is relaxed, and the immunity is naturally enhanced.

Even if the temperature drops suddenly, health is still within reach.

(The images and texts are sourced from the network.

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