New Yoga Life

Yoga can help you find more strength in your inner thighs and lose weight three times faster!

The formation of worship meat on the inner thigh is mostly related to long sitting and lack of targeted training.

Long-term sitting will slow down the blood circulation of the lower limbs, and the meridians are blocked, resulting in fat accumulation! Today, I will share a series of leg reduction and meat worship for you.

If you stick to it for a month, you will be thinner! 01 prone position, prepare a mackerel elbow to support the ground, bend the left leg outward, put the mackerel under the inner thigh to roll left and right for 60 seconds, and change the other side 02 prepare a yoga ball or yoga brick supine position, with the bricks or balls on the inner side of the legs to exhale, the core tightened, the hands slightly left the ground in front of the upper body, and then try to keep the back straight for 5-8 breaths at a time, practice for 3 times 03 keep the position of the previous action inhale, Return to the ground in a controlled way.

Attention! Throughout the whole process, bend the knees on the inside of the thigh, clamp the yoga ball, exhale and tighten the core, bend the hips on the inside of the thigh slightly away from the ground, inhale and return to repeat this action 8-10 times, and then continue to clamp the yoga ball on the inside of the bridge thigh, exhale and tighten the abdomen, and lift the hips away from the ground with both hands to stay up for 5-8 breathing 06 left lying position, bend the knees on the left leg in front of the left leg, bend the elbow on the left hand, and rest under the head to exhale, Tighten the core, lift the inner side of the left leg upward, stay for 5-8 breaths statically or practice 12-15 times dynamically, change the other side of the 07 sitting position, open the left leg horizontally, bend the knees, straighten the right leg with the heel close to the perineum, and draw back the toes to inhale, extend the spine to exhale, and bend the body sideways to the right to stop for 10 breaths, change the opposite side of the 08 to enter the sitting angle sitting bone to find the ground downward, inhale the spine to extend the breath, and the toes to hook back, Bend the body forward to feel the stretch of the inner thigh, and stay for 1 minute Tips: Action 01 must not be ignored.

This step can activate the muscles and wake up the muscles well.

Is it very sour at step 06.

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