New Yoga Life

Don’t have time to go to a yoga studio? This set of full body dynamic exercises can be practiced anytime at home! (Dynamic diagram)

Envy others for their sexy buttocks, slender waist circumference, flat abdominal muscles, bony back, and 1.8 meter long legs? In fact, you can also live like others envy you.

Some people say they are too busy to go to a yoga studio, and the editor is heartbroken about it.

He specially found a movement that you can practice anytime and anywhere at home without any fitness equipment.

After practicing, it’s refreshing from head to toe! Kitchen section ▽ 1.

Elbow and Knee Bending Effect: Strengthen the strength of both arms and shoulders, eliminate the worship sleeves.

Feet should be about one step away from the stool.

Fingers should grasp the edge of the stool downwards.

Feet should be the same width as hips, bend the elbows and buttocks downward.

Extend the arms, lift the buttocks up.


Squat Effect: Strengthen the strength of the core, buttocks, and big legs, tighten the thigh muscles.

The legs should be separated by about one leg long, with the toes facing outward.

Squat deep and hold the chest up at the same time, Spine extension.

Knees, calves, and heels in a straight line in the living room.


Knee bending squat function with the help of a soft cushion stool: This action enhances lower limb strength through balance and stability, helping to slim down legs.

Stand in front of the soft cushion stool, feet shoulder width apart, tighten the core, relax the shoulders, straighten the chest, place the back of the right foot on the soft stool, while bending the knee.

The left thigh should be as parallel as possible to the ground.

Use the strength of the left leg to stand up, On the opposite side 2.

Step up effect: Strengthen leg strength and tighten gluteal muscles Step on the stool with your right foot, palms facing each other.

Point your left leg to the ground, bend your right knee, straighten your right leg, and lift your left leg off the ground to stand on the stool.

Do the opposite side.


Push up+jump forward+lift up effect: Lean your arms, enhance core strength.

Support your hands on the stool, and do the push up with your toes touching the ground.

Jump forward to a deep squat with your feet, while raising the stool over your head.

Place the stool, and move your legs back, Repeat the bathroom section ▽ 1.

Tiptoe on your heels.

Make full use of brushing time, tiptoe on your heels, tuck in your abdomen, and then slowly lower to strengthen the strength behind your calves.

Practice more for the beauty of slimming your calves.


Push up.

Use the restroom, with your hands wider than your shoulders and your heels off the ground.

Inhale and bend your elbows downward to activate your core.

Exhale and push to a standing position in the bedroom section ▽ 1.

Core exercise.

Lie on your back in bed, bend your knees, grab the pillow with both hands.

Inhale, Raise your arms up and sit up at the same time.

Exhale and lie back in a controlled manner.


Bridge effect: Helps to tighten the hips and thighs, strengthen the core.

Lie on your back and bend your knees, hands on your side, palms down.

Keep your shoulders away from your ears, inhale and lift your hips up.

Try to keep your spine section by section off the bed.

Exhale, and your back slowly falls back onto the bed to practice a good figure.

From this moment on, don’t waste time and achieve yourself! The content of the article is sourced from the internet.

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