New Yoga Life

Yoga rest technique increases Qi, blood, and energy! 12 types of relaxation and rest techniques!

The more important thing about living a tree mother’s life is to enjoy life, and every good thing comes from her true use and sincere sharing.

(Business cooperation QQ: 375430769) official account The official account has been banned from a section of yoga exercises covering posture and breathing exercises.

The purpose of posture exercises is to open up the energy channel of the body, while breathing is to transmit the energy of the body to all parts of the body.

The final rest technique can really increase the energy of human body qi and blood.

Because the body is the most unobstructed and the heart is the most peaceful at this moment, our bodies will experience a feeling of crispness, looseness, numbness, and lightness.

This is the feeling that cosmic energy is constantly entering the human body, and at this moment, our hearts will feel light, peaceful, and peaceful, which is also a sense of happiness.

After the rest surgery, the person’s Qi and blood energy are well replenished.

Therefore, a yoga class without rest techniques is quite a waste of practice.

For people who are too busy and lack sleep, about 15 minutes of yoga relaxation can restore energy.

Practicing yoga rest techniques before bedtime until you fall asleep naturally can fully improve sleep quality.

In yoga classes, rest techniques are added between each movement and at the end of the class, which helps the practitioner recover their body and mind beyond their capacity.

Today, the editor has brought you 12 relaxation and rest techniques~”Satihalyasana, Animal Relaxation Technique”.

Kneel and sit with your legs together, place your right foot against the inner side of your left thigh, and extend your left leg backwards.

Inhale and slowly raise your hands above your head.

Exhale and bend your upper body down to the top of your right knee.

Place your head on the ground and hold this position for 1-2 minutes while breathing slowly and steadily.

Relax, inhale, and slowly lift your upper body back to the position where your arms are raised above your head.

Swap legs and repeat this exercise.

Function: Nourishes the nervous system in the spine, relaxes the abdominal and back muscles, shoulders, hips, etc., helps blood flow back to the brain, and alleviates brain fatigue.


Moonlike Shashankasana: Kneel down, hands on both knees, toes together.

Spread your knees wider than your shoulders, exhale, bend your upper body forward from your waist, straighten your arms, and lie on the ground with your forehead or chin on the ground.

Relax, inhale and get up, lift your arms upwards; Exhale, arm down, repeat 5-10 times.

Function: Relax, nourish, and strengthen the nervous system, relax and stretch the muscles of the lower back, shoulder, hip, and knee joints.


Baby style AdhoMukha Virasana: Kneel down, sit with your hips on your heels, feet together, feet facing up, head, neck, and body in a straight line.

Relax your hips and breathe evenly.

Exhale, contract the abdomen, slowly bend the upper body forward, use the abdomen to get close to the thighs, then the chest to get close to the thighs, and finally slowly lower the head, with the head facing left or right, arms on both sides of the body, palms facing up, fingers facing back, elbows and back of hands flat on the ground.

Close your eyes and completely relax your spine.

Hold this position for approximately 15 seconds to 2 minutes.

Effect: Relieve mental tension and eliminate fatigue; Relax the back and eliminate spinal pressure, alleviate tension and discomfort below the back, and achieve gentle and natural contraction; Massage the crotch, thighs, ankles, heels, and abdominal organs; This position is suitable for practicing in the back bend position and also serves as a rest position between positions.


Crocodile Makrasana: “Lie prone, lift your shoulders and head, hold your head in two palms, and rest your elbows on the ground.

Relax your entire body, close your eyes or look straight ahead.

Effect: This is an extremely simple posture, but it is extremely beneficial.

Helps eliminate fatigue and is beneficial for people with asthma and other lung diseases; The treatment effect is significant for intervertebral disc herniation or other spinal diseases.


Prone Advasana: “Prone, with arms extended in front of the head and forehead pressed to the ground; Bring your legs together; Place the instep on the ground; Separate the heel; Gently extend your back, shoulders, and arms.

Close your eyes and relax your entire body.

Effect: Helps to eliminate stiffness and stiffness of the cervical spine, improve intervertebral disc herniation, rickets, hunched back, and rounded shoulders, which is very beneficial for spinal diseases.


Fish play style MatsyaKridasana: “Take a side lying position and naturally overlap your hands.

Fold the left leg laterally (with the upper leg bent and the lower leg straight), and place the left knee on the ground as close to the chest as possible.

Turn your head to the right, intersect your ten fingers, and place them below your head.

Bend the left arm with the left elbow close to the left knee.

The right side of the head is resting on the bend of the right arm.

Close your eyes and relax your entire body.

You can swap left and right positions.

Normal breathing.

Effect: This posture is like a flapping fish, making it a great relaxing posture.

It is beneficial for redistributing fat deposits in the waist, allowing the intestines to stretch and stimulating gastrointestinal peristalsis.

Helps eliminate constipation.

Relieve sciatica by relaxing the nerves in both legs.

It helps blood flow back to the heart and quickly relieves fatigue, making it one of the preferred sleeping positions for people.

Seven, Savasana: “Lie gently on the ground, feet spread out to shoulder width, toes facing outward.

Place your shoulders 20 centimeters away from your body, with them at a 45 degree angle, palms facing up, and relax.

Balance and relax on both sides of the body, extend the neck, and slightly retract the chin towards the chest.

Shoulders should be extended outward, away from the ears, with the tailbone raised to bring the waist to the floor, pushing the buttocks away from the vertebrae, and palms of both hands facing upwards.

Close your eyes, relax your arms, hands, shoulder and neck muscles, thighs, calves, buttocks, back, abdomen, and head; Relax all facial muscles, upper and lower jaw; Relax your teeth and eyelids.

Repeatedly breathing naturally, steadily, and softly, keeping as still as possible, will feel the whole body relaxed.

Maintain this position for 5-10 minutes.

After completing, take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes.

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