New Yoga Life

Persist at home for 10 minutes every day, yoga is not difficult to open the hip!

Follow us with the blue letters on it! The hip joint is one of the main joints for practicing yoga, and its flexibility is crucial for practicing yoga well.

Hip opening can also help with the circulation of qi and blood in the pelvic area, helping to warm and nourish internal organs.

But practicing yoga, many beginners with stiff bodies will find it difficult to open their hips.

After practicing many hip opening movements, they still cannot open their hips.

In fact, beginners who want to open their hips do not rely on temporary achievements, but rather on gradually practicing for a long time every day.

For example, you can spend 10 minutes at home every day, starting with simple movements and practicing hip opening movements.

Quantitative changes can cause qualitative changes, and yoga hip opening becomes easier.

6 classic hip opening movements, with all-round hip opening effect and bar drop.


Supine Hero – Kneel inside the hip joint and stand on the cushion surface, with legs together or apart at the same width as the hips, feet slightly wider than the hips and the back of the feet touching the ground, push the lower leg belly outward and sit between the feet.

Lie back on the pillow or cushion for 1-2 minutes.


Supine Toe Pose – Sit outside the hip joint and stand on the cushion surface, Bring your feet together, open your legs to both sides, and lie on your back on a pillow or cushion for 1-2 minutes.


Lie down on the frog.

Kneel and stand on the cushion with the hip joint extended.

Lie forward and slowly and control the opening of the big and small legs by 90 degrees on both sides of your legs.

Hold for 1-2 minutes.


Crescent hip extension standing.

Take a big step back with the left foot, press the back of the calf to the ground, inhale, extend the spine, exhale, and bend back for 1-2 minutes, then switch to the other side.

5 Single leg back extension – hip joint bending and sitting on the cushion surface, bending the left knee to place the left foot at the root of the right thigh, inhaling and extending the spine, exhaling and bending forward to hold the front foot of the right foot for 1-2 minutes, changing to the other side.


shoelace style – hip joint adduction and sitting on the cushion surface, bending both knees to place the left foot on the outer side of the right buttocks, and the left foot on the outer side of the left buttocks, inhaling and extending the spine, exhaling and bending forward to hold down for 1-2 minutes, changing to the other side if you like, Check it out

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