The simplest yoga technique can bring the greatest change to your life

Do you know that goddesses are practicing yoga? The high difficulty aerial yoga created by “Qu Demon” and Liu Tao is also practiced by the Immortal Sister! A high intensity and fast-paced life, riding horses and driving the whip, makes everything accelerate forward, as if one slow step will fall behind others, so everyone bravely moves forward and desperately catches up.

It may seem like a good phenomenon, but in fact, the social atmosphere is changing from prosperity to decline.

The happiness of the people is not greatly enhanced due to the progress of society, but rather widens the gap between different social classes.

Everything has two sides, and if there is restlessness, there will always be peace of mind.

Those who can immerse themselves in this great era and study in peace must have a transcendent place.

Yoga, as a “slow” based exercise, far surpasses other sports such as running.

Yoga’s transcendent sense of relaxation and pursuit of the unity of nature and soul are enough to become the most important thing for humans to learn in the 21st century.

Today we are introducing a very simple set of yoga postures.

If you want to learn yoga, you can start practicing this set of yoga.


Dance King pose 1.

This pose is extremely common in yoga, but it is still difficult for beginners to do well.

First, stand in Mountain pose, then tighten your hips, bend your legs slightly and lift them back to the maximum height you can reach.

At the same time, bend your upper body slightly, lean your back forward, and lift your hands from both sides to maintain balance; After one leg can maintain balance in the air, extend the hand on that side to the back to grab the instep, and transfer the other hand from the side to the front, extending straight forward.


Single legged sitting and forward bending 1.

First, sit on the ground with your buttocks and legs on the ground, making sure your legs are straight and your upper body is upright.

Then, bend your knees and contract your legs inward, with the palms of your feet close to the inner thighs of the other leg; 2.

Then lean your upper body forward and extend your hand on the side of your leg to grab the foot on that side.

The other hand can be placed on that side of your leg.


Warrior II: 1.

First, stand in Mountain Stance, then take a big step towards that side with one leg, bend your knees, squat your body, keep your thighs level with the ground, and twist your body to that side.

Be sure to pull the distance between your legs sufficiently; Then lift both hands from both sides until they are level with the ground.


Arm extension: 1.

First, stand in mountain pose with the lower body still, then lift both hands from both sides to both sides of the head, and then hold the wrist of the other hand with one hand to perform stretching exercises in conjunction with twisting the waist

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