New Yoga Life

Want a beautiful back? Practice these four yoga poses more

Follow Fate to Add Teacher WeChat to Watch Teacher’s Moments~You can tell a person’s age by their back, except for yoga people! Jiayou, who has been practicing for a long time, has a delicate back, otherwise how would others say that you are practicing yoga at first glance.

Today, we recommend 4 individual styles to reduce back fat and beautify the lines.


Elbow support: Lie down with your forearm on the ground, palms facing down, toes on the ground, pushing the ground down.

Teach, elbow, and forearm to push the ground, back straight, keeping a straight line from head to heel for 30 seconds, gradually increasing to 2 minutes.


Lie down on your back and lift your leg, bending your left knee to step on the ground, keeping your right leg straight and tightening your abdominal muscles.

Keep your right leg about 20 centimeters off the ground, and slowly lower your leg for 5 seconds, keeping your hips stable.

Do 10-15 times, Repeat on the other side.


Lift the arms and legs in reverse to reach a four legged bench position, with the shoulders aligned with the wrists, knees aligned with the hips, and the right hand extended forward.

At the same time, extend the left leg back straight for 5 seconds, and then relax.

Repeat 10-15 times for the left and right legs.


Lie down on your back with alternating feet, bending the knees, and the thighs perpendicular to the ground.

Slowly lower the right toe tip parallel to the ground, and then return to the initial position.

Repeat 10-15 times on the left side to avoid your back, Betrayed your age, practice now! Yoga video number ▼ Yoga Road 274 Recent good articles ▼ points

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