New Yoga Life

Why do you recommend stretching your pectoralis minor muscles frequently when practicing yoga?

Why is it recommended to regularly stretch your pectoralis minor muscles when practicing yoga? 1.

Adjusting the chest hunchback, rounded shoulders, and head forward tilt requires stretching the pectoralis minor muscles to practice yoga.

People who are familiar with anatomy know that people with chest hunchback, rounded shoulders, and head forward tilt are in a tense state of the pectoralis minor muscles.

To improve these problems, the pectoralis minor muscles must be stretched.


Yoga shoulder opening requires stretching the pectoralis minor muscles.

As we all know, if the pectoralis minor muscles are too tight, the range of arm lift will be limited, and the shoulders will be difficult to open.

Therefore, stretching the pectoralis minor muscles is also an important part of yoga shoulder opening.


Opening the chest cavity and increasing the degree of back bending, the pectoralis minor muscles must be stretched to increase the degree of back bending.

The front of the entire body must be opened, and the practice of opening the chest cavity and back bending can have a noticeable impact.

Therefore, to open the chest cavity, the pectoralis minor muscles must be stretched.


To enhance one’s temperament, the pectoralis minor muscles must be stretched.

For those with tight pectoralis minor muscles, their temperament will not improve much.

Therefore, to improve one’s temperament, the pectoralis minor muscles must be stretched.

6 simple actions to stretch the pectoralis minor muscle: 1.

Place the fascia ball in the position of the pectoralis minor muscle against the wall or lie down to press and knead the fascia ball to relax.


Find a wall corner position, open your arms, bend your elbows against the wall, and look for the wall corner in the middle of the chest to maintain 5-8 breathing movements.


Kneel or sit up, pull both ends of the extension strap with both hands and open them up until there is a noticeable stretching sensation in the chest.

Maintain 5-8 breathing movements.


Lie down, bend your elbows, Open the upper and lower arms vertically to the right and place the left foot on the back of the body.

Hold the left hand on the front side of the body for 5-8 breaths, and switch to the other side.

Action 5: Kneel and stand on the cushion surface, with legs equally wide apart from the hips.

Press the back of the lower legs and feet on the cushion surface, inhale and extend the spine.

Exhale and bend forward and downward, extend the chest forward with both arms to find the ground, and maintain 5-8 breaths.

Action 6: Sit on the cushion surface, straighten both legs, and place both hands on the vertical cushion surface of the upper arms on the back of the body, Exhale with your fingertips facing your toes, lift your hips up in a straight line, and maintain 5-8 breaths.

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