New Yoga Life

After practicing yoga for so long, I finally discovered these secrets

After practicing yoga for a long time, you will find that some people have lost weight while others have not, but their body has become thinner, and their body weight has even increased.

In fact, this is all normal. Everyone’s physical fitness and metabolic patterns are different, so the effects of yoga are also not the same. However, one thing is beyond doubt: after yoga, the body generally improves.

Although practicing yoga should focus more on the inner world, it must be acknowledged that good equipment is also very important..

A yoga mat that is thick, thin, moderate, and non slip provides a different feeling of practice; A comfortable yoga outfit can also help you reduce the constraints in your postures. We don’t pursue how expensive the price is, we only seek the most suitable one for ourselves..

Really, no one is looking at you. Beginners always worry about others mocking them for their poor physique, poor posture training, and poor flexibility.

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In fact, everyone is immersed in their own practice, and you don’t have to care about the opinions of others. Just take care of your own practice..

When you feel like you can’t hold on in the pose, remember to give yourself more time to breathe. Slowly, you will find that your progress will be faster than you imagine..

This is a very meaningful thing. Imagine, a few years later, looking at you when you first started practicing yoga, would you be surprised by the changes yoga has brought you..

Pose photos not only clearly record the progress of our yoga journey, but also bring you some affirmation during your practice bottleneck period. You will believe in yourself, there is nothing that cannot be achieved..

If you are feeling down today, go practice; If your body is stiff, go practice; If you feel tired, stick to practicing..

When you keep practicing, you will find that yoga is not complicated, just keep practicing. Looking back on every day I persisted in practicing, I never regretted it; Those lazy moments without practice always regret not persisting in practice..

Don’t treat daily yoga practice as a task, as it can make you feel stressed..

Make every practice a pleasure, hold some expectations every day, relax a bit, and you will increasingly enjoy this hour on the yoga mat..

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