New Yoga Life

Summarize and sort out the 7 common principles of proper positioning in yoga practice for everyone

Summarize and sort out the common principles of proper posture in yoga practice for everyone..

Let’s first talk about the concept of foundation: the part that touches the ground and bears the weight of the body is called the foundation. Why emphasize the part that touches the ground and bears the weight of the body. Because although the knee and cervical vertebrae are in contact with the ground, they should not be subjected to force, so they cannot be regarded as the foundation..

If possible, try to increase the contact area between the foundation and the ground as much as possible. The larger the contact area, the less weight is distributed to specific points, which means more load bearing and more stable. So when the soles of the feet are the foundation, efforts should be made to extend the skin of the soles of the feet, and when the palms are the foundation, the five fingers should be greatly separated..

Apply force evenly. The inner and outer sides of the same foot should be balanced; The left and right soles should also be balanced. The palms, buttocks, and shoulders are all the same..

Obviously, the knee and elbow joints are the most frequently mentioned in practical practice..

I don’t think it’s a question of whether everyone knows it or not, but rather whether everyone values it enough..

I have also shared in previous articles that when you encounter an unfamiliar posture and are unsure of the starting point, start with tightening the core..

The core is the source of physical strength, equivalent to an engine. Especially in the posture of standing upside down with a relatively high center of gravity, the core force is more important. The foundation below is stable, and the core in the middle is tightened to maintain the stability of the entire body. On the contrary, if the foundation is stable and the downward force is strong, but there is no core and foundation that corresponds, it is also in vain..

The extension of the pelvis and spine is perhaps the most emphasized sentence we often emphasize. Spinal extension is present at all times, and the pelvic end is relative to the spine..

You can recall that whether it is a posture such as upright spine or forward bending and backward bending and lateral twisting, it requires the spine to be extended as much as possible during inhalation, creating and releasing space. Only with space can there be the next movement, and the more space created, the greater the room for exertion..

Banana Seat Bike

This may be the most easily overlooked issue, and it is also the point where there are the most mistakes and misunderstandings in practice..

When it comes to shoulder and neck relaxation, the first thing that comes to mind is shrugging. I mistakenly thought that just be careful not to shrug your shoulders..

But I found that the harm is greater than shrugging, and what is more likely to cause shoulder and neck tension and stiffness is too much effort and deliberate force..

Give a very simple example: “Raise your arms above your head, palms together.”. This action may seem very simple, but it is still a bit difficult to complete it with natural force to relax the shoulders and neck. Many people, even though they cannot complete this action, force themselves to do it, and then deliberately stretch their arms to make their palms align, thinking that this is the correct position, which is effective. And completely ignored the tension in the shoulder and neck area..

Next time when doing this type of pose, you can pause for an extra set of breaths and focus on the muscles in the shoulder and neck area to feel their state..

Holding one’s breath, out of breath, uneven breathing, and so on are all situations that should not occur during practice..

If this situation is discovered, it should be adjusted in a timely manner, reducing the difficulty and slowing down the pace..

If a person’s eyebrows are tied, then their heart must also be tied, and their body must also be tied.

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