New Yoga Life

Yoga chakra, this is the right way to practice!

Are you ready to learn how to do wheeled urdhva dhanurasana? The purpose of backward bending is to stimulate the nervous system, so you can feel energy rising in your body. Then you can learn to reconcile with this feeling and integrate this energy into your body. So when you practice this posture, imagine energy rising from your spine..

When bending backwards, it is important not to shorten the back. On the contrary, you want to use the muscles of the spine to extend and increase the space between the vertebrae. When you try to enter a posture upwards, consider extending and lifting..

Before we start, let’s take a look at the benefits of wheeled systems:.

Although the back bend is great, not everyone is suitable. Here are some contraindications for wheeled design..

Lying on the mat. Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground, about the same width as your hips or slightly wider. Lift your arms and place your palms on the ground below your shoulders near your ears. The important thing is not to let your elbows be too wide. On the contrary, align them with the wrist. This will help your scapula sink and keep your upper back open for backbending..

Inhale and move your hips forward. Activate the pelvic floor and back muscles, lift your head. Place your head on the cushion. Push your hands and feet into the mat and lift your torso upwards. Check if your shoulders are aligned here to ensure that your wrist is still in a straight line with your elbow..

If your shoulders are stable, you can lift your body up to do a complete pose. Use both hands and feet to lift the head off the ground, with the entire torso facing upwards. Straighten your arms. Keep the shoulder straps open and keep the distance between the shoulders and ears..

Use your back muscles to arch your spine. Once you get up, transfer your weight so that your chest is above your hands. This will open your chest and make it easier for you to breathe in the pose. Stare between your hands. Take five breaths here. Then slowly withdraw from the position..

Pay more attention to stretching the front side of the body (shoulders, chest, groin, and front thigh area) before practicing wheel exercises. When practicing, pay attention to activating the core, gluteus, and inner thigh muscles.

Spine extends and bends, scapula rotates and lifts upwards, elbow joint straightens, hip joint extends and turns inward, knee joint flexes..

Banana Seat Bike

(1) Assisted practice with yoga bricks.

(2) Practice with the assistance of lifting ropes.

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