New Yoga Life

Yoga: In middle age, does one have a relaxed and raised abdomen? Practice these 5 movements every day, detoxify and lose your belly fat!

Middle age, with less and less hair, the abdomen is getting bigger and the metabolism is getting worse, so it is easy to gain weight. Generally, fat accumulates in the abdomen and thighs. Today, I will share a set of abdominal yoga, specifically for reducing large belly fat..

When you are doing the following abdominal exercises, focus your attention on your abdomen, with 30 in each group and 3 breaths to rest in between, repeating each action 3 times..

Lying supine with arms on both sides of the body.

Bike Torque Wrench

Lift your upper back off the ground and bend your knees.

Left toe touching the ground, right knee close to chest cavity.

Keep the upper back off the ground throughout the entire process.

Left leg down, do not touch the floor.

Lie on your back, raise your arms above your head.

Lift both legs up about 45 ° from the ground.

Exhale, roll up your abdomen, and lift your back off the ground.

Inhale, land on the upper back, legs up.

Lying supine with arms on both sides of the body.

Legs together and straight upwards, perpendicular to the ground.

Exhale, legs up, and drive hips off the ground.

Inhale and slowly fall back to the ground with control.

Exhale, bend knees, search for chest cavity with knees.

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