New Yoga Life

The simpler the more “fatal”! Have you done all these basic yoga asanas correctly?

Checking Yoga knowledge every day is an attitude to adhere to yoga, and forming a habit of yoga is the easiest way to have a quality life and get a healthy body.

Yoga is now more and more popular, but many people who have just come into contact with yoga will fall into the wrong zone of training.

In the process of learning yoga, both novices and “veterans” of yoga have made some mistakes.

Some seemingly difficult asanas are difficult to control.

When practicing, they will make some mistakes.

Under the guidance of yoga teachers, students can improve these mistakes a little bit, which is very common.

But in fact, some yoga poses that look very simple are not as simple as they seem, because “foundation does not mean simplicity”! Whether you are a beginner of yoga or an old Yoga bird, it is very important to practice each yoga pose correctly.

Incorrect yoga posture not only affects the training effect, but also may hurt the back, waist and neck, causing ligament strain, cartilage tear, joint inflammation, neuralgia and other “Yoga diseases”.

So have you done all your yoga poses?! Compare the following postures to see if you often make such mistakes?! Don’t underestimate these asanas, which may be the most fatal “injury” on your yoga path! 01.

Wrong action of left side of standing back posture: when doing this action, the waist collapses too much, and the lumbar spine is squeezed, which is easy to cause low back pain and even lumbar disc herniation.

Right side correct action: don’t lean forward; From the side, the upper body is behind the body; Lift the chest as much as possible to keep the abdomen tight and strong.

Training effect: it can help improve courage, prevent depression, and alleviate shoulder and waist pain.


Oblique left side wrong action: the lower side of the upper body is not extended, and the upper body is too forward.

Right side right action: the waist on both sides of the upper body is evenly extended, and the rear side of the body is in a plane.

Training effect: extend the whole back and shape the leg lines.


Triangular left side wrong action: the legs are weak, resulting in serious waist collapse, which is easy to cause low back pain.

In serious cases, the lumbar intervertebral disc protrudes.

Right side right right action: push the feet back hard, The inner side of both legs is forced inward, and the abdomen is tightened and upward.

Training effect: it can thin the whole body, especially the small belly.

04 sitting and standing twisting left wrong action: put the center of gravity on the hands, and arch the right side of the back.

Correct action: put the center of gravity evenly on the hips, and stretch the back as far as possible.

Training effect: help the body detoxify, Reduce waist fat 05 sit and bend forward left wrong action: the trainer arched the right when doing this action correct action: stretch the spine as much as possible and lift the chest up training effect: calm people’s mood 06 Cobra left wrong action: the elbow is too extended, shrug the right right right correct action: the elbow is slightly bent, the shoulder sinks, and the chest is lifted as much as possible training effect: help alleviate waist pain and waist strain, Prevent hunchback 07 wind tree left wrong action: push your hips to one side and hunchback with your chest.

Right side: keep the pelvis neutral, just tilt the upper body to one side and stretch it as far as possible.

Training effect: help reduce the fat on both sides of the waist, and eliminate shoulder and neck pain.

08 downward dog left.

Wrong action: the whole back is in the arched state, or the leg is not straight on the right Correct action: let the whole back be in a stretched state.

Training effect: stretch the whole leg and improve the body shape.

Pay attention to the comparison between right and wrong, and where is the wrong point.

Correct movements will make your yoga posture very stable and won’t sway around.

Many asanas can’t see whether they are doing right or not.

At this time, only with a yoga partner or under the guidance of a yoga teacher can they do the standard.

The simpler the posture looks, the easier it is to do the standard.

While practicing hard, you should also pay attention to the “right” of each practice, otherwise it is easy to get injured.

In fact, many asanas can’t be done standard at one time.

You need to do it step by step.

If you are anxious, you can’t practice yoga well, so you can do it slowly.

Don’t worry too much! I wish you all get familiar with yoga and fall in love with yoga as soon as possible.

(if it involves the rights and interests of the original author, please contact Xiaobian to delete it.)..

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