2 sets of Yoga sequence, let you sweat, let you relax! (collection level)

Point the ground overhead and look behind




Turn around and look up


Split knee baby style, separate knees, touch toes


Stretch your left hand to the side


Before 12:00 on January 1, we will select one lucky fan with the largest number of points from the selected messages and send out a pair of Yoga Pants (6 colors)


Yoga on the road is not in yoga, yoga on the road is concerned about who said yoga can not lose weight? Who says yoga can’t sweat? Try this one! 22 individual style, be sure to flow up, keep 5 breaths for each style, and remember to repeat it on the other side after finishing all the styles! About 25 minutes after practice


Push your thighs with both hands and lift your chest up


Look to the left


Teacher wechat


Twist the low lunge to the right, put your right elbow against the outside of your left thigh, and put your hands together


Keep your abdomen adducted and your chest forward and down


Lie on your back, twist and relax, straighten your right leg, bend your left knee, and push your right knee to the right to find the ground




Recently, Haowen Yoga people are watching.


Hip, heel


The forearm rotates inward, the forearm rotates outward, and the back extends


Pull your legs back to the ramp, with the instep perpendicular to the ground and your shoulders above your wrists


Strength sequence: relax after sweating


Get down in locust style, with hands straight back and palms down




The two sets of postures are extremely comfortable and relaxed




This set can not only relax, but also regulate the intestines and stomach! Remember to take five breaths each


Stretch the back of your legs, straighten your legs together, and hold the outside of your feet with both hands


Downward dog type, navel adduction, hip up, heel down


Press hands in line with heels, elbows in, arms parallel


The cat stretches, inhales, stretches up, and raises its chest


Bend the right knee with a needle through the hip and place the ankle above the left knee




Inhale and stretch, exhale and fold down


(there is a big picture to explain in detail) relaxation and conditioning sequence ↓ detailed explanation of posture 1




Keep hips forward, chest up, don’t squeeze the lumbar spine








Pull the left thigh back close to the chest with the left hand and push the right knee out with the right hand




Double angle feet, open the length of one leg and buckle inside the sole


Keep your hands straight forward and your forehead on the ground


Inhale and raise your arms, legs, chest and chin




In the past, the prize of the winner will be automatically postponed to the next Jiayou


Exhale, bow your head and back, and lift your navel


In the low position, the left foot is bent forward 90 degrees, the right leg is straight and the knee is on the ground


You must try them! -Welcome to leave a message


Twist the lunge, push the right hand on the inside of the left leg, extend the left hand upward, and look at the top


Camel knee open hip width, toes on the ground




Hands akimbo, inhale, hands in turn up and then back to grasp the heel


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