New Yoga Life

6 variant yoga movements, deep hip opening, super feeling!

Experienced yoga practitioners or teachers all know that Yoga looks like the same action, but with a little change and adjustment, the feeling will be completely different


This is also one of the ways to test yoga teachers’ skills


Today, I’d like to share with you 6 yoga moves, all of which have made small changes, deep hip opening, super feeling, we must try


4: kneel on the mat, with both thighs and arms perpendicular to the mat, lift the left leg, exhale backward and upward, open to the right, inhale, retract the last time of dynamic repeat exercise 8-10 group, turn the left leg to the right Keep 5-8 breaths, repeat the above actions to practice the other side action 5: on the basis of action 4, stretch the left leg outward to the ground, open the right hip outward, hook the instep of the right leg and thigh vertically, bend the elbow to support the cushion surface, inhale, extend the spine, exhale, sink the hip, keep 5-8 breaths, exhale, retract the core, rotate the pelvis backward to inhale, and rotate the pelvis forward to dynamically repeat exercise 8-10 Group 6: sit and stand on the cushion surface, open the legs at an appropriate distance, hook the instep, inhale, extend the spine, hold the hip with both hands, exhale, bend forward, inhale about 30 degrees, restore, and repeat the exercise dynamically


Group 8-10 starts from the starting position, exhale, twist the spine to the left, exhale with both hands on both sides of the left leg, lift the left leg up, inhale, restore, repeat the exercise 8-10 times, and change the starting position on the other side Start, inhale, extend spine, exhale, retract core, bend forward, extend hands forward, keep 5-8 breaths.


Action 1: stand in mountain style, hold hip with both hands, lift right leg up, thigh parallel to the ground, lower leg vertical cushion surface, hook instep, exhale, right foot kick outward (hip internal rotation) inhale, restore, exhale, left kick (hip external rotation) dynamic repeat exercise group 8-10 put right foot on left thigh, hip external rotation more, knee down, hip backward downward, hands together in front of chest, keep 5-8 times Breathing repeat all the above actions, practice the other side of action 2: mountain standing, feet open slightly greater than the distance between the hips, toes open about 45 degrees outward exhale, bend the hip down squat, hands folded on the chest, elbows against the inner thigh, maintain 5-8 breathing, body twist to the right, push the inner thigh with the right hand, left hand support pad surface, hip external rotation, inhale, restore, exhale, change sides Repeat exercise 8-10 group, return to the starting position, bend the right knee to find the ground, rotate the hip inward to inhale, return, left knee to find the ground to inhale, return, dynamic repeat exercise 8-10 group, return to the starting position action 3: sit and stand on the cushion, straighten the legs, put the right foot on the inner side of the left thigh, put the left foot back, inhale with Z-shaped legs, extend the spine to exhale, deepen the body to the right, inhale, return, On the basis of the initial movement, take the left side as an example, lift the left leg, inhale backward and upward, restore, and dynamically repeat the movement of 8-10 group to the other side


Poke the blue words on it and pay attention to us! Yoga is a little change, but it’s a big difference


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